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ACKO Accident Index 2022

Download the ACKO Accident Index 2022 Report today to understand the major drivers behind accidents in Indian metros.

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ACKO Accident Index 2022
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Delhi and Mumbai don’t look so different when it comes to road accidents
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Delhi NCR happens to be the most road accident-prone region in the country with the highest number of such mishaps. However, the financial capital of India, Mumbai, is close behind. These facts were unveiled by ACKO, India’s leading tech-first insurance provider today in its bi-annual edition of ACKO Accident Index 2022. 

The Index, which is a report detailing accident trends seen across key metros, including Bengaluru, Chennai, Delhi, Hyderabad, Kolkata and Mumbai, revealed Delhi recording an accident rate of 20.30%, while Mumbai stood at 18.20%. The reasons behind the mishaps were also fairly common between the two cities. While 'other drivers’ were responsible for most of them, animal crossings, potholes, rash driving and drunk driving were the other reasons.

Among all metros, it was Bengaluru that fared the best, emerging as the least accident-prone area with a recorded accident rate of 16%. Besides this, Chennai had an accident rate of 18.60% and Hyderabad at 18.50%. 

Another interesting trend brought out by Index was animals posing as a major reason for road accidents: especially in Chennai, which recorded the highest number of such accidents – over 3%.  For both Delhi and Bengaluru, the number stood at 2%. Dogs led to 58.4% of accidents across metros followed by the cow causing 25.4% accidents. Surprisingly, 11.6% of accidents were caused by rats. 

To learn more such interesting facts about how accidents happen in India, download the ACKO Accident Index 2022 now!