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Your Guide to Preventive Healthcare in India

Team AckoJun 14, 2024

The human journey from the Stone Age to the digital age is indeed a remarkable saga marked by incredible progress and profound challenges. In the ancient era, survival was the paramount concern as humans grappled with harsh environments and battled predators for sustenance. Fast forward to the digital age, and while the threat of physical predators has largely diminished, a new menace has emerged in the form of lifestyle diseases and environmental crises.

The transition from a primal struggle for survival to a modern-day battle against obesity, stress-related ailments, and climate change reflects the complex evolution of our species. Our relentless pursuit of development and technological advancement has undoubtedly brought forth unparalleled comfort and convenience. However, it has also come at a significant cost to our health and the environment.

The desire for wealth and material possessions has led to unprecedented levels of stress and anxiety in modern society. This pursuit has driven many to neglect their health, resulting in the rise of chronic diseases and lifestyle-related ailments. Moreover, the rapid industrialisation and urbanisation fueled by the pursuit of economic growth have contributed to environmental degradation and climate change, triggering catastrophic events worldwide.

In such challenging times, preventative healthcare becomes imperative. While financial security provided by health insurance is crucial in mitigating the financial burden of medical emergencies, preventive measures play a pivotal role in maintaining overall well-being. Regular health checkups, healthy lifestyle choices, and environmental consciousness are indispensable in safeguarding oneself against the numerous health threats of the modern age.





Important Aspects about Preventive Healthcare in India

Rising Healthcare Costs

The gulf between India’s rich and the poor is increasing day by day. Along with it, there has been a steady increase associated with medical inflation over the years. This makes it difficult for the middle class and lower middle class to avail prompt and adequate healthcare. In such a scenario, adopting preventive healthcare measures will surely help in avoiding certain diseases and safeguarding oneself from the financial burden associated with treatment of those diseases. This, coupled with a comprehensive health insurance policy can help you secure your finances in case of medical mishaps.

Health Check-ups Are Crucial

Periodic health check-ups can help in early detection of life-threatening ailments. Such early diagnosis can help in taking quick measures to reduce the damage caused by the diseases. In some cases, diseases can be prevented as well. As the body ages, it is a good practice to undergo a full body check-up on a regular basis.

Preventive Health Checkup Benefits

Preventive health checkups are essential for maintaining overall well-being and detecting health issues early before they progress into more serious conditions. Here are several benefits associated with regular preventive medical care:

1. Early Detection of Health Issues: Regular checkups allow healthcare providers to detect health problems early, often before symptoms manifest. Early detection enables prompt treatment, which can prevent complications and improve outcomes.

2. Prevention of Chronic Diseases: Many chronic diseases, such as diabetes, hypertension, and certain cancers, can be managed more effectively if detected early. Preventive screenings and tests during checkups help identify risk factors and enable interventions to prevent the onset or progression of chronic conditions.

3. Cost Savings: Investing in preventive health checkups can lead to long-term cost savings by avoiding expensive medical treatments for advanced diseases. Early detection and management of health issues are generally less costly than treating advanced diseases and their complications.

4. Improved Quality of Life: Preventive checkups can help individuals maintain a higher quality of life by identifying and addressing health concerns early. Timely interventions can reduce the impact of health problems on daily activities and overall well-being.

5. Tailored Health Management Plans: Based on the results of preventive screenings and assessments, healthcare providers can develop personalised health management plans. These plans may include lifestyle modifications, preventive medications, or further diagnostic evaluations tailored to individual health needs.

6. Health Education and Counseling: Preventive checkups offer opportunities for health education and counselling. Healthcare providers can educate individuals about healthy lifestyle choices, disease prevention strategies, and the importance of adhering to medical recommendations.

7. Peace of Mind: Regular checkups provide reassurance about one's health status. Knowing that one is proactively monitoring one's health and taking steps to prevent potential problems can reduce anxiety and promote peace of mind.

8. Long-term Health Maintenance: Preventive health checkups are part of a proactive approach to long-term health maintenance. By scheduling regular checkups, individuals can stay engaged in their healthcare and take proactive steps to prevent future health problems.

Preventive health checkups play a crucial role in maintaining overall health and well-being. They enable early detection and intervention, promote cost savings, improve quality of life, and empower individuals to take control of their health. Regular checkups are an investment in long-term health and vitality.

People who need Preventive Checkups

Preventive health checkups are crucial for individuals in the working age bracket, typically between 35 and 65 years old, as this demographic often juggles work, family, and personal responsibilities, making it easy to overlook health concerns. Men above 35 and women above 40 are particularly encouraged to undergo regular checkups due to increased risks associated with age, such as cardiovascular disease, certain cancers, and metabolic conditions. 

These checkups provide opportunities to screen for conditions like hypertension, diabetes, and cholesterol levels, which can significantly impact long-term health and quality of life. Additionally, they offer chances for healthcare providers to offer guidance on lifestyle modifications, such as diet and exercise, to mitigate risk factors and promote overall wellness. 

Regular preventive health checkups during these critical years serve as proactive measures to maintain optimal health and reduce the likelihood of developing chronic diseases later in life.

Preventive Healthcare Packages

From all-encompassing packages to focused ones, there are a variety of plans available for preventive tests in the market. Some popular packages are as follows:

Health Insurance Plans

Some health insurance companies also provide above-mentioned plans free of cost or at a discounted price as a part of their plan. For example, medical insurance plans might offer free check-ups if no claim is raised for a period of three years. Some insurers offer them as Add-ons to health insurance plans. This feature has its terms and conditions therefore one must make an informed choice. You also have the option of going for health check-ups without being associated with medical insurance plans.

Preventive Health Care Features

Preventive health care encompasses a range of features designed to promote overall wellness and early detection of health issues. One key feature is the availability of free doctor consultations over calls, allowing individuals to seek medical advice and guidance conveniently without the need for in-person visits. 

Additionally, preventive health care often includes discounts at pharmacies, making essential medications more affordable and accessible. Dental services benefits are another vital aspect, providing coverage for routine checkups, cleanings, and procedures to maintain oral health. 

Discounts on diagnostic tests further incentivise individuals to undergo screenings and assessments for early detection of diseases. External features may include access to wellness programs, fitness discounts, and incentives for healthy lifestyle choices, such as gym memberships or nutrition counselling. Overall, preventive health care features aim to remove barriers to accessing essential health services, promote proactive health management, and encourage individuals to prioritise their well-being through regular checkups, screenings, and healthy lifestyle choices.

Health Insurance and Preventive Healthcare Plan Differences

Health Insurance

Preventive Healthcare Plan

Designed to mitigate financial risks associated with unexpected medical costs.

Aims to promote proactive health management and reduce the likelihood of developing serious health issues through early detection and preventive measures.

Coverage for hospitalisation, surgeries, medications, and other medical treatments.

Free or discounted preventive health services such as doctor consultations, screenings, vaccinations, and wellness programs. It may also include discounts on pharmacy purchases and diagnostic tests.

Premiums are paid regularly to maintain coverage. Deductibles, co-pays, and co-insurance may apply.

It may involve subscription fees or periodic payments for access to preventive services. Typically, no or minimal out-of-pocket costs for covered preventive services.

Limited focus on preventive care and wellness promotion.

Emphasises preventive care as a primary component, with incentives to encourage individuals to prioritise their health through regular checkups and screenings.

Provides financial protection in case of unexpected medical events or emergencies.

Encourages proactive health behaviours and regular health monitoring to prevent or mitigate the impact of potential health issues.

Income Tax Deductions

You are eligible for a tax benefit of Rs. 5000 for the amount spent on health insurance check-ups. This benefit is also applicable if you spend for the medical check-up of your spouse and children. Note that this deduction will be within the overall deduction limit (for example, 25000 or 50000) as per deduction under Section 80 D of the Income Tax Act.

Make it a Ritual

Modern lifestyle has altered our eating and sleeping habits. This has changed the way our body functions. In some cases, it has also made us vulnerable to diseases If you are someone who has undergone a lifestyle change (such as irregular working hours, lack of exercise, moving to a different city, etc.) or feel that something doesn’t feel right about your body, it is essential to get a health check-up as a precautionary measure. Make health check-up an annual ritual and stay one step ahead of life-threatening diseases.

Frequently asked questions

Here are some frequently asked questions related to preventive healthcare


What are preventive healthcare packages?

Comprehensive plans include various tests and screenings for early disease detection and prevention.

How often should I undergo preventive health check-ups?

Annual check-ups are generally recommended, but frequency depends on individual factors.

Are preventive health check-ups covered by insurance?

Some insurance plans cover them, offering free or discounted services.

What age group benefits most from preventive healthcare?

Adults, particularly those aged 35-65, benefit greatly.

Can preventive healthcare reduce costs?

Yes, by identifying issues early and preventing advanced diseases.

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