Instant South Indian Bank FASTag Recharge Online

Recharge any FASTag in 2 steps! 20+ banks supported
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Instant South Indian Bank FASTag Recharge Online

The solution to breeze through without stopping in a long line at a toll plaza is called FASTag. Thanks to the National Electronic Toll Collection (NETC) programme, India now has an efficient electronic toll collection system. One of the key players offering this facility is South Indian Bank, providing a seamless way to pay toll charges without any hassle through its FASTag service.

Understanding South Indian Bank FASTag

To eliminate the age-old issue of long queues at toll plazas, the National Highways Authority of India (NHAI) has launched an electronic toll collection system known as FASTag. FASTag is a simple-to-use, reloadable tag that facilitates the automatic deduction of toll charges. It employs Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) technology. Driving on highways is now faster and hassle-free with this user-friendly tool. Moreover, FASTag brings transparency to toll transactions and helps save time and fuel.

How To Make FASTag Recharge Online with ACKO? 

You can recharge FASTag online by visiting the website or using the mobile app.

  • Go to the FASTag widget on the website
  • Enter the vehicle registration number and mobile number, followed by the OTP 
  • Then, you will see the available balance in your FASTag account
  • To recharge, scan the QR code on your desktop and click on ‘Download ACKO App’ if you are using your mobile device. Proceed further to complete the recharge process
  • On the app, go to the ‘discover’ section and then on ‘recharge FASTag’
  • Also, choose the FASTag issuing bank
  • Enter the recharge amount and proceed with the payment
  • Download the ACKO app
  • Go to the ‘discover’ section 
  • Then, click on ‘Recharge FASTag’
  • Next, enter the vehicle registration and choose your FASTag provider
  • Enter the amount you want to recharge
  • Then, make the payment for a successful FASTag recharge

ACKO FASTag Recharge Image

ACKO FASTag Recharge Image

Why Recharge South Indian Bank FASTag with ACKO?

Some of the benefits of FASTag recharge withACKO are as follows:

Quick and Simple Recharge

With ACKO, FASTag recharge is a breeze, requiring just two easy steps and taking less than 2 minutes.

Wide Provider Support

ACKO caters to over 25 FASTag providers, allowing users to select their preferred provider for a successful recharge.

Ease in Checking Balance

ACKO users can check the FASTag balance either through the ACKO app or its website.

Banks Supported by ACKO for FASTag Recharge 

Listed below are the banks supported by ACKO for FASTag recharge:

Documents Required for FASTag Recharge

  • Bank statement
  • One valid identity proof: your Aadhaar card, PAN card, or passport.
  • A valid vehicle registration certificate (RC) to link the FASTag with your vehicle

Once these documents are ready and verified by the bank, you can easily recharge your FASTag.

Fees and Charges

You must be aware of certain fees and charges associated with the South Indian Bank FASTag issuance and recharge. 

Here is a simple table to help you understand the cost implications:

Fee TypeAmount (INR)
Issuance Fee100
Recharge Fee0 - 2% depending on the payment gateway

These values are subject to change based on South Indian Bank's policy alterations. Always confirm the current charges from their official website to avoid unexpected costs.

Using Your South Indian Bank FASTag Effectively

Attaching your South Indian Bank FASTag is easy. Ensure your vehicle’s windscreen is spotlessly clean. Peel off the protective sheet on the back of the tag and stick it inside your vehicle to the top middle of your windscreen. 

The FASTag uses RFID technology to deduct the toll fees from your linked prepaid account automatically. A flash of green on the indicator panel indicates a successful transaction.

A sufficient balance in your prepaid account is critical to ensure smooth travel on national highways. With ACKO's speedy online services for policy renewal and claims processing, managing your balance is effortless. 


The South Indian Bank FASTag provides an efficient and hassle-free passage through toll plazas. Auto-debiting the toll fees from your linked account eliminates the need for cash transactions and saves valuable time. Whether you recharge through internet banking or UPI, the process is swift and straightforward, much like ACKO's instant 2-minute online policy purchase and renewals.

Recharge South Indian Bank FASTag for various States 

Frequently Asked Questions on South Indian Bank FASTag Recharge Online

It typically reaches you within 7 working days, depending on your location.

Each vehicle requires a separate FASTag as it is linked to the specific registration number.

South Indian Bank FASTag comes with a validity of 5 years from the date of issuance.

You can contact South Indian Bank's dedicated FASTag helpline at 1800-425-1809.

You can request for a replacement by contacting customer care or visiting your nearest bank branch.

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Written by Saumya Srivastava

10K Linkedin Followers Author dot Icon

Reviewed by Lokesh Shetty Author info Icon

A professional writer and passionate foodie who savors playing with words as much as flavors.