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Guide To Buying A Used Bike Out of State

Team AckoJan 17, 2024

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Motorcycle enthusiasts dream of owning a bike at least once in their life. And yet many cannot because of the cost factor. Buying a used bike is a great way to enjoy owning a motorcycle at a discounted price. There are several advantages as well as certain challenges while shopping for a second-hand bike. Having access to used bikes across the country can lead you to a particular motorcycle located in a different state. Buying a bike out of state can sometimes be tricky. If you are looking to buy a used bike from a different state, here is a guide that will help you through the procedure.




Buying A Used Motorcycle Out of State:

The decision to buy a used motorcycle out of state could be due to the particular model or the pricing factor. The availability of a well maintained second-hand bike at an affordable price can be tempting. However, it is important your choice is based on the purpose. Are you buying for your daily commute or for weekend road trips? Buying a second-hand bike for daily commutes should offer better mileage and lesser maintenance cost, while you can consider niche bikes such as adventure, sports, touring, etc. for your road trips.

When you are interested in purchasing a used bike from another state, there are few procedures that you need to sort out in order to make the transition easier. The first and most important is if the documents of the bike are genuine. Right from the bike insurance policy to the No Objection Certificate (NOC), ensure you get a bike which has all documents in place.

Documents Required:

Below are the important bike documents required while buying a used two-wheeler from another state:

Transfer of Ownership Form

There are three forms that act as an application for the transfer of ownership. Below are the details of forms that are required while registering a used bike (Download Forms Here):

Form 29

The buyer should report the fact of transfer in Form 29 to the RTO. This form serves as an application to transfer the title from the owner to the buyer.

Form 30

In case the used bike is registered in a different state, the application of transfer of ownership should be made through Form 30 to the concerned RTO. This form is also used to transfer ownership within the State.

Form 31

In case the transfer of ownership on death of the owner of the vehicle, Form 31 should be filled and used for the registration of the bike at the respective RTO.

No Objection Certificate (NOC)

To transfer the bike registration from one State to another you require a NOC from the RTO where the vehicle was registered. The document declares that the RTO does not have any objection in transferring the registration to another RTO in another State and there are no pending dues such as road tax. Without the NOC from the RTO where the bike was originally registered, the RTO at which you want the bike registered will not transfer the ownership.

Original Registration Certificate

The original RC book or the RC smartcard which contains the engine and chassis number of the bike is required while registering an out of state bike. The registering RTO will verify the RC before transferring the ownership.

Pollution Under Control Certificate (PUCC)

A valid PUCC is required to confirm that the pollution levels emitted from the bike are within the stipulated norms. The certificate also includes details of the bike’s registration number along with the photo of the registration number.

Bike Insurance Policy Document

A valid insurance policy of the bike is necessary to register it in the respective RTO. Ensure the insurance is paid and has not expired while registering the vehicle.

PAN Card

The Permanent Account Number (PAN) card of both the seller and the buyer is required. In the absence of the PAN Card, Form 60 should be submitted to register the used bike from another state.

DOB Proof

Some States may require to produce the Date of Birth Proof of the buyer while registering the vehicle.

Tax Clearance Certificate

Fully paid bike road tax certificate from the owner is an important document that you need to get while buying the used bike. This document is required while registering the bike at RTO.

Tips On Buying A Second-Hand Bike Out Of State:

Buying a bike outside the state may appear to be complex and hard; however, with some care and help, you can get a good bargain for the used bike. Think of these tips for buying a used bike out of state:

Ensure the Seller is Legitimate

When buying a used two-wheeler from a bike dealership is easier to confirm. However, when you are dealing with a private seller in a different state you need to take precautions before you commit to the deal. If the seller is the owner of the bike, ensure you verify the documents. The Central Government has made it possible to check Owner Details by registration number through the central database of motor vehicles in India. It is better to avoid third-party sellers or middlemen as it removes hurdles and commissions.

Get A Second Opinion

Shopping for a used bike alone is not a great idea. You may be a bike enthusiast and know more about motorcycles, but a second opinion from another person or a mechanic will make a huge difference while making a decision.

Scrutinise Documents

Ensure you get the documents verified since you do not want to be left in a lurch while registering it in your State. Verify documents such as the NOC from the RTO which originally registered the bike or the NOC from the bank if the bike was taken on a bank loan. Ensure the owner submits all the mandatory documents mentioned above.

Research Pricing

When you are shopping for a used bike from another State, spend time researching about the price of the bike in that State. Use the power of the internet to find the current price of the same model and make. There will be some differences based on how the bike is maintained by the owner. But the difference should not be too wide. This will ensure you get the best deal buying a second-hand bike.

Get Service Records

If you want to know how well the owner has maintained the bike, check the service booklet or service records. It will reveal the time frames between services or if the bike had a bad accident. Getting the maintenance history of the bike will offer a glimpse of how the bike is being looked after.

Take A Test Ride

Once you are satisfied that the seller is legitimate and all documents are genuine, initiate the request to test ride the bike. You wouldn’t want a bike which handles and rides not too well. When it’s a test ride, put that bike through its paces. Push the bike to the limits if you can do it safely. Ride it on different types of roads and terrains to know how well the bike rides and handles. Shift all gears and see if they are smooth and do it multiple times. Check the manoeuvrability of the bike in tight corners. Be sensitive to any issues so that you do not worry about it later.

Get It Inspected

Apart from test riding the bike, get it inspected by a mechanic of your choice. The professional can identify issues which cannot be seen from the outside. Look out for any wear and tear of the tyres and brake pads, ensure there are no leaks from fluid pipes. Look for any repaint job as they may suggest that the bike was in an accident.

Ensure Engine and Chassis Number Match

Bikes have chassis and engine numbers which are mentioned in the RC. Ensure they match and there are no irregularities otherwise you may be buying a stolen bike. It is better to walk away from the deal if there is a mismatch of the numbers.

Also, Read: How To Transfer Bike Insurance To The New Owner?

Checklist For Buying A Used Two-Wheeler Online:

Before you go ahead and make the deal to buy a bike, ensure you follow the below checklist for buying a used bike online:

  • Check the identity of the seller. It is better to buy a used bike from the owner of the vehicle and not through a middleman.

  • Meet in a busy area when you want to inspect or test ride the bike and avoid meeting in a deserted place or at odd hours. It is better to inspect the bike during the daytime and not during night time.

  • Ensure you get the Form 29 and 30 signed by the owner of the bike along with the receipt of the payment you have made.

  • Ensure you take delivery of the bike as soon as you make the payment and provide the delivery note to the owner.

  • Get it registered immediately and do not postpone.

Benefits of Buying A Two-Wheeler Insurance Online:

Below are some of the advantages of buying two-wheeler insurance online:

  • Less paperwork.

  • Compare insurance policies online.

  • Choose the most cost-effective insurance policy.

  • Easy renewal process.

  • Receive the policy document instantly.

  • Competitive pricing.

  • Easy claim process.

  • Buy directly from the insurance company.

Also, read: Old Bike Insurance

Frequently Asked Questions About Buying Used Bikes:

Below are some of the common questions about buying used two-wheelers:

Should the seller be present while registering the used bike?


The seller is generally not required at the RTO while registering the bike. However, if there is any mismatch in information such as signature, the seller may be asked to present themselves while registering the bike.

Why is the RC book important while buying a used bike?


Registration Certificate (RC book) is an official document which confirms the registration of the bike. The RC book consists of the registration number, chassis and engine number through which you can confirm the genuineness of the bike.

What is the fee for the transfer of ownership charged by the RTO?


Presently, the fee or charge to transfer the ownership of the vehicle is 50% of the registration charges of a new vehicle.

Which form is required while transferring ownership on death of the owner of the vehicle?


You need to apply through Form 31 to transfer the ownership of the bike or car.

Can I sell my bike without a NOC?


If the bike needs to be registered in a different State, the NOC is a mandatory document required by the registering RTO.

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