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CAGR Calculator

Compound Annual Growth Rate ( CAGR ) Calculator

Calculate the compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of your investment. Gain insights into your investment performance.

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Home / Life Insurance / Calculators / Articles / CAGR Calculator

In today's dynamic and ever-evolving business landscape, understanding financial metrics is essential for making informed investment decisions. One such metric that plays a crucial role in evaluating the growth potential of investments is the CAGR. This article aims to provide a comprehensive understanding of this concept and how the CAGR calculator is beneficial. Read on to learn more.

What is CAGR?
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Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) is a useful tool for understanding how an investment has grown on average each year over a certain period. It takes into account the compounding effect, which means that the investment's profits are reinvested. By considering this compounding effect, CAGR gives a more accurate picture of the investment's performance than just looking at the average growth rate. CAGR is expressed as a percentage, making it easier to compare different investments. It is commonly used to assess the growth of various financial assets like stocks, mutual funds, and business revenues.

CAGR calculator

Optimize Growth Projections with Our CAGR Calculator

Total Investment
Final Maturity value
Duration of Investment
Absolute Return
Money you invested
₹ 5000
Final Investment
₹ 25000

CAGR Formula
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To calculate CAGR, you need to have the beginning value (BV) and ending value (EV) of the investment or business. Here is the CAGR formula.

CAGR = [(EV / BV)^(1/n)] - 1


How to calculate CAGR? 
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CAGR is a way to describe how an investment would have grown if it had been steadily growing every year and the profits were reinvested. It's like imagining a best-case scenario. In reality, investments don't always grow steadily. But CAGR helps make the returns easier to understand by giving a smoother picture of how they might have grown if everything went perfectly. It's a helpful tool for making comparisons and getting a sense of how well an investment has performed over time.

How can a CAGR Calculator Help You?
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Investors can use a CAGR calculator to get helpful information about their investments. It's a tool that can provide valuable insights. Here are a few ways investors can make use of a CAGR calculator.

  1. Assessing investment performance: By inputting the initial and final investment values into the CAGR calculator, investors can determine the compound annual growth rate of their investments. This allows them to evaluate the performance of different investments and compare them against each other.

  2. Comparing investment options: Investors often have multiple investment options available. By calculating the CAGR for each option, they can compare the growth rates and make informed decisions about which investments are more likely to provide higher returns over the long term.

  3. Setting realistic financial goals: With the help of a CAGR calculator, investors can set realistic financial goals based on the desired rate of return. By inputting different scenarios into the calculator, investors can determine the investment growth required to achieve their specific financial objectives.

  4. Forecasting future returns: By analysing the historical CAGR of an investment, investors can make educated predictions about its potential future performance. This information can be useful for estimating future returns and adjusting investment strategies accordingly.

  5. Assessing risk and volatility: The CAGR calculator can help investors understand the volatility and risk associated with an investment. By analysing the CAGR over different time periods, investors can identify periods of high or low growth, enabling them to make more informed decisions regarding risk management and asset allocation.

  6. Planning for retirement: Retirement planning involves estimating the growth of investments over an extended period. By using a CAGR calculator, investors can project the potential growth of their retirement funds and determine if their current savings and investment plans are sufficient to meet their retirement goals.

How does the CAGR work?
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In India, CAGR is employed extensively for evaluating various aspects of the economy, analysing investment performance, and making informed decisions. Here's how CAGR works.

Investment analysis
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Investors use CAGR to assess the performance of their investments. This analysis aids in selecting investment avenues that align with the investor's financial goals and risk tolerance.

Sector performance
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CAGR helps evaluate the growth of specific sectors within the Indian economy. By calculating the CAGR of sectors such as IT, healthcare, e-commerce, or renewable energy, policymakers, businesses, and investors can gauge their average annual growth rates. This information assists in identifying sectors with high growth potential and shaping investment strategies and policies accordingly.

Business growth
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By analysing the CAGR of revenue, profits, or market share, businesses can evaluate their performance over time. This analysis helps in identifying trends, setting realistic growth targets, and making strategic decisions related to expansion, product development, or market penetration.

Economic indicators
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It helps in understanding the average annual growth rates of GDP (Gross Domestic Product), industrial production, exports, or other macroeconomic factors. Policymakers, economists, and analysts rely on CAGR to comprehend the pace of economic growth, identify areas of strength or weakness, and design appropriate policy measures.

Financial forecasting
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By analysing historical CAGR data, businesses and investors can make predictions about future growth rates. This aids in estimating future revenues, profits, or market size, enabling organisations to plan budgets, allocate resources, and make strategic decisions with a long-term perspective.

Real-life example of CAGR 
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To better understand the concept of CAGR, let's consider an example involving the growth of a specific industry over a period of five years.

Suppose we examine the revenue of the e-commerce sector in India from 2017 to 2021. In 2017, the total revenue of the sector was INR 1,000 crore, and by 2021, it had increased to INR 3,000 crore. By using these imaginary figures, we can calculate the CAGR to determine the average annual growth rate.

Using the CAGR formula:

CAGR = [(EV / BV)^(1/n)] - 1


EV = Ending Value (INR 3,000 crore)

BV = Beginning Value (INR 1,000 crore)

n = Number of years (5 years)

Calculating the CAGR:

CAGR = [(3,000 / 1,000)^(1/5)] - 1

= 1.2457 - 1

= 0.2457 or 24.57%

Therefore, the CAGR of the e-commerce sector in India during this period was approximately 24.57%.

What is the difference between Growth Rate and CAGR?
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Here are the differences between Growth Rate and CAGR.


Growth Rate



Calculates the rate of change between two values

Calculates the average annualised growth rate

Time Period

Can be calculated for any time period

Typically calculated for a specific time period

Compounding Effect

Does not consider compounding effects

Considers compounding effects


Does not smooth out volatile year-to-year changes

Smoothes out volatile year-to-year changes

Impact of Fluctuations

Sensitive to fluctuations in individual years

Less sensitive to fluctuations in individual years

Preferred Use

Suitable for shorter-term analysis

Suitable for longer-term analysis


Reflects the specific growth rate at each interval

Represents the average growth rate over time

What does negative CAGR mean?
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A negative CAGR indicates a decline in the value of an investment or a business over a specific period. It signifies that the investment or business has experienced a negative average annual growth rate.

This can occur due to various factors, such as economic downturns, poor financial performance, changes in market conditions, or unfavourable business decisions. It implies that the investment or business has not generated sufficient returns to offset the losses incurred.

When faced with a negative CAGR, it is crucial to assess the underlying reasons for the decline and consider potential strategies for improvement. It may involve reevaluating the investment portfolio, adjusting business strategies, or seeking professional advice to address the challenges and strive for positive growth.

Investors and businesses should interpret a negative CAGR as a signal to investigate and take corrective actions. 

What does risk-adjusted CAGR mean?
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Risk-adjusted CAGR is a measure that considers the risk level associated with an investment or portfolio while calculating the average annual growth rate. It provides a more comprehensive assessment of the investment's performance by factoring in the risk element.

Risk-adjusted CAGR considers an investment's volatility, variability, and downside potential of an investment, along with its returns. It helps investors evaluate the potential return on investment while considering the level of risk involved. This metric is particularly valuable when comparing multiple investments with varying risk profiles.

By incorporating risk into the CAGR calculation, investors can gain insights into the trade-off between returns and risk. Investments with higher risk may yield higher returns, but they also carry a greater potential for losses. Conversely, lower-risk investments may offer more stable returns but with lower growth potential.

Various risk-adjusted measures are used in the financial industry, such as the Sharpe ratio, Sortino ratio, and Treynor ratio. These ratios consider factors such as volatility, downside risk, and the risk-free rate of return to adjust the CAGR calculation and provide a more accurate representation of risk-adjusted growth.

Using risk-adjusted CAGR allows investors to make more informed decisions by considering returns and risk together.

CAGR vs Absolute returns
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This table highlights the key differences between CAGR and Absolute Returns. 



Absolute Returns


Calculated based on the average annual growth rate over a specific period

Calculated by subtracting the initial value from the final value


Considers the entire period under evaluation

Considers the change in value between two specific points in time


Provides a standardised measure of growth, smoothing out year-to-year volatility

Reflects the actual change in value without considering the time factor


Accounts for the compounding effect, assuming reinvestment of profits

Does not consider compounding or reinvestment


Useful for assessing long-term investment performance and growth potential

Useful for evaluating short-term investment gains or losses


Considers the growth rate over time, providing a holistic view

Focuses on the actual change in value without considering the growth rate


Enables comparison of investments with different timeframes

Facilitates comparison of investment returns at a specific point in time


Smooths out year-to-year fluctuations, providing a more stable growth rate

Does not account for volatility, reflecting the absolute change regardless of fluctuations

Investment goals

Suitable for evaluating investments with a long-term perspective

Suitable for evaluating short-term investment objectives or immediate returns

Common usage

Widely used for analysing investment performance, sector growth, and business expansion

Commonly used for evaluating short-term trading gains or losses

Benefits of Online CAGR Calculator
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The CAGR Calculator is a helpful tool. Let’s quickly look at the benefits of using an online CAGR Calculator:

  1. It helps to evaluate the growth of an investment over a period of time.

  2. It can also help to understand how a company or business has grown over the years.

  3. The CAGR formula makes it easy to compare between different investments products and options.

  4. It gives you a comprehensive view of returns on investments.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
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Here are some common questions and answers about CAGR.


Is CAGR applicable only to financial investments?

No, CAGR is not limited to financial investments. It can be applied to various domains, such as revenue growth of businesses, population growth, market size expansion, or sector-specific metrics.

Can CAGR be used to predict future investment performance?

While CAGR provides insights into historical growth rates, it does not guarantee future performance. External factors, market conditions, and business dynamics can impact future results. CAGR should be used as a reference point for assessing past performance rather than solely relying on it for predicting the future.

Are there any specific sectors in India where CAGR is frequently used?

CAGR is commonly used in various sectors in India, such as IT (Information Technology), healthcare, financial services, e-commerce, renewable energy, and infrastructure. These sectors experience rapid growth and often rely on CAGR to evaluate performance and project future trends.

Does CAGR factor in inflation?

No, CAGR does not explicitly consider inflation. It represents the nominal growth rate without adjusting for changes in purchasing power. If inflation is a concern, investors may need to incorporate it separately when analysing the real rate of return.

How can CAGR be useful for retirement planning in India?

CAGR can be used in retirement planning to estimate the growth rate required to reach specific retirement savings goals. By considering the average annual growth rate, individuals can assess the potential growth of their investments over the long term.

Are there any online tools available to calculate CAGR in India?

Yes, there are several online CAGR calculators available that can be used to calculate CAGR in India. These tools simplify the calculation process by inputting the beginning and ending values, along with the number of years.

Disclaimer: The content on this page is generic and shared only for informational and explanatory purposes. It is based on industry experience and several secondary sources on the internet, and is subject to changes.