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Learner Insurance: Car Insurance for Learner Drivers

Team AckoApr 30, 2024

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If you are learning to drive a car or recently learnt to drive, you must be careful behind the wheel. You are responsible for both your and road users safety while driving a vehicle. Car insurance is one of the most critical aspects of owning/driving a car. Read ahead to know more about car insurance for learner drivers.




What is Learner Insurance?

The term Learner Insurance/Learner Driver Insurance can be confusing as it may be mistaken for insurance for the person learning to drive a car. But it’s not the case. In India, there is no such dedicated insurance plan for a learner driver. Here learner insurance refers to the insurance plan for the car that he/she may be using to learn driving. In other words, learner insurance can be defined as car insurance for new drivers.

Car Insurance for Learner Drivers

Learner drivers or those who have recently learnt driving will not have much experience driving in tricky situations such as heavy traffic, adverse weather conditions or driving for long durations. Therefore, car insurance becomes crucial for those who are learning to drive or have significantly less or little driving experience.

As per The Motor Vehicles Act, 1988, motor insurance is compulsory in India. Purchasing car insurance not only makes you legally compliant, but also provides several other benefits, especially for beginner drivers. In simple words, car insurance is the agreement between the policyholder (car owner) and the insurer. The terms and conditions govern the benefits of the policy. The car insurance policy provides a legal and financial backup in case of car-related mishaps.

Why is Car Insurance Essential for a Learner Driver?

A person learning to drive or who has just learnt to drive a car may not be aware of the significance of insuring a vehicle. But now, most of the driver’s training schools cover all the aspects of driving, including traffic rules and different types of car insurance plans. So, why does motor insurance become so significant for beginner drivers? The answer is simple, lack of driving experience.

Most of the learner drivers and even those who have just learnt to drive a car have less or little driving experience. So naturally, they might face difficulties handling the vehicle in situations such as driving on a busy road. For instance, a young person learning to drive may make mistakes that can lead to car damage or loss/damage to a person/property on the road. That’s when car insurance comes into the picture.

Beginner drivers or learner drivers can make mistakes, and the risk of damage to the car or third-party property/life is very high. So, car insurance is a must for a young driver who is just getting the grips of handling the car in different situations.

Secure Yourself with Car Insurance Policy for Learner Drivers

Insuring your car in advance is crucial so that the learner driver can concentrate on driving rather than worrying about mistakes he/she may commit. It is always better to purchase a car insurance policy before the learner driver receives his/her driving licence. Because once the DL is issued, the learner drivers can drive the car on their own. Also, you can avoid penalties by insuring your vehicle, as driving a car without motor insurance is an offence in India.

For instance, if your son/daughter is learning to drive, it is better to educate them about the importance of insurance. Explain the coverage benefits of different types of car insurance plans and other insurance-related services. That way, young drivers will be well aware of the inclusions and exclusions of a car insurance policy. Also, they will be better equipped to handle the situation in case of a mishap.

It is recommended that you opt for a Comprehensive Insurance Plan for your car as it provides extensive coverage, including Third-party and own damage cover. Comprehensive car insurance for learner drivers will be helpful as the plan provides a financial backup if your vehicle is damaged or damages to third-party property or injury/death of a third party. It is better to be safe than sorry. It doesn’t matter if you are learning to drive or have several years of driving experience; car insurance is a must.

Also, read: Car Insurance Tips for Late Drivers

Tips on Car Insurance if You are a Beginner Driver

Here are some tips on car insurance if you have learnt to drive lately.

  • Avoid Claims for Minor Damages: A car insurance policy comes with a No Claim Bonus (NCB) benefit. It is a discount on the premium for not making any claims during the tenure of the policy. The NCB increases progressively, and the renewal discount goes up to 50% for five consecutive claim-free years. So, if the damage is minor and the repair cost is less than NCB, it is better not to file a claim against the motor insurance plan.

  • Know the Value of Your Policy: Read the policy document and know the value of the insurance policy. IDV or Insured Declared Value determines the value of a car insurance plan which can be calculated using the IDV calculator. IDV is the approximate market value of your vehicle. It is also the maximum claim amount you will receive from the insurer.

  • Understand the Types of Car Insurance: There are mainly two types of car insurance plan: Third-party and Comprehensive Car Insurance Policy. A Third-party Car Insurance is compulsory in India, and it covers only third-party losses. A Comprehensive Policy covers third-party losses and damages to your car. The insurance plan covers damages to your car caused by an accident, fire, explosion, natural calamities or man-made disasters. A Comprehensive Plan also provides coverage if your car is stolen or damaged beyond repair. You can also purchase add-ons to enhance the policy benefits.

  • Know the Claim Process: Before you even purchase the policy, understand the claim settlement process of the insurance company. Opt for an insurer that has an easy, hassle-free and quick claim settlement process.

  • Renew the Policy On-Time: For a seamless insurance cover for your car, you must renew the policy within the due date. If you fail to renew the policy before it expires, you may also lose out on an NCB discount (If not renewed within 90 days of policy expiry).


Car insurance is one of the most critical aspects of owning/driving a car in India. The significance of motor insurance amplifies if a learner or a young driver drives the vehicle. The chances of a mistake while driving a car is very high if the person is learning to drive or has minimal driving experience. In such situations, car insurance can protect you from any financial losses arising from damage to your car or third-party losses. All-in-all, car insurance is a must, irrespective of your driving experience.

Frequently Asked Questions

Below are some of the most common questions about car insurance for learner drivers.

Is there any dedicated car insurance for new drivers?


No, there is no dedicated insurance plan for a learner driver. You can insure your car by purchasing a Third-party Policy or a Comprehensive Car Insurance Plan.

I have a Learner’s Licence. Can I buy a car insurance plan?


Yes, you can buy a car insurance plan without a Driving Licence. However, you should hold a valid Learner’s Licence or Driving Licence to drive your vehicle on the roads.

Can I claim against the car insurance plan if I have a Learner’s Licence?


Yes, you can claim with a Learner’s Licence, provided the vehicle has an ‘L’ sign on the front and rear windshield and you are accompanied by a person holding a permanent driving licence.

Disclaimer: The content on this page is generic and shared only for informational and explanatory purposes. It is based on industry experience and several secondary sources on the internet; and is subject to changes. Please go through the applicable policy wordings for updated ACKO-centric content and before making any insurance-related decisions.

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