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Digital HR: Meaning, Benefits,How to get started & Examples

Team AckoApr 19, 2024

Say goodbye to outdated Human Resources (HR) practices, and hello to the digital revolution! In this article, we'll explore the exciting world of Digital HR. From understanding what it is to discovering its many benefits and viewing examples. Get ready to dive into the future!




What is Digital HR?

Digital HR means the use of technology in managing human resources. It includes digital tools for recruitment, performance management and administration. The goal of Digital HR is to streamline HR processes and improve overall HR efficiency and effectiveness. By using it, companies can save time, improve accuracy, and enhance the employee experience.

How Digital HR is transforming human resources

Digital HR is revolutionising the HR landscape, bringing new levels of efficiency, precision, and impact to HR teams. With its innovative technology and streamlined processes, Digital HR empowers HR professionals to tackle their tasks with ease. This allows them to focus on what really matters: supporting employees and driving organisational success.

By leveraging digital tools, organisations are able to monitor critical information in real time. This allows them to make informed decisions and remain competitive in attracting and retaining top talent. 

Benefits of Digital HR

Here are some advantages of integrating Digital HR into your work process.

1. Increased Efficiency

  • Automates repetitive tasks: Digital HR solutions can automate routine HR tasks such as onboarding, benefits enrollment, and time tracking. This frees up HR staff to focus on other higher-priority activities.

  • Reduces manual errors: By automating manual processes, Digital HR reduces the risk of errors in data entry, calculation, and record-keeping.

  • Improves data management: Digital HR solutions provide a centralised database for storing employee information. This makes it easier for HR staff to access and manage employee data.

2. Better employee experience

  • Offers self-service portals: Digital HR solutions provide employees with self-service portals. This allows them to access and manage their own HR information, reducing the workload on HR staff.

  • Improves communication and collaboration: Digital HR solutions can improve communication between the HR department and employees. This can make it easier to share information, resolve issues, and get things done faster.

  • Provides real-time feedback and recognition: Digital HR solutions can provide employees with real-time feedback and recognition. This may in turn, help to boost morale and improve job satisfaction.

3. Improved compliance

  • Helps with legal and regulatory compliance: Digital HR solutions can help organisations stay compliant with legal and regulatory requirements. It achieves this by automating compliance processes and providing alerts for non-compliance.

  • Maintains accurate records: Digital HR solutions provide a centralised database for storing employee information. This makes it easier to maintain accurate records and comply with privacy and data protection regulations.

  • Facilitates audits and reporting: Digital HR solutions provide easy access to employee data and records. This makes it easier to conduct audits and generate reports. As a result, the organisation is better able to adhere to legal and regulatory requirements.

4. Better insights and analytics

  • Provides data-driven decision-making: Digital HR solutions provide HR staff with real-time insights into HR processes and employee data. This makes it possible for more accurate, data-driven decision-making.

  • Offers real-time insights into HR processes: Digital HR solutions provide real-time visibility into HR processes and performance. This allows HR staff to identify areas for improvement.

  • Supports continuous improvement: Digital HR solutions can help organisations continuously improve HR processes and outcomes. This is likely to lead to better results over time.

How to get started with Digital HR

To get started with Digital HR, follow these steps.

  • Assess HR needs: To get started with Digital HR, it's important to assess which HR processes can benefit the most from automation. Tasks you could consider include recruitment, onboarding and performance evaluations. Make a list of such HR needs and prioritise them to determine which processes should be tackled first.

  • Choose the right technology: There are many HR tech solutions available in the market. However, it's important to choose the one that fits your company's specific needs. Researching and contrasting various options is one way to approach this. While doing so, make sure to consider the company size and the number of employees.

  • Implement and train: Once you have chosen the right HR tech solution, it's time to implement it in your company. Work closely with your HR tech provider to ensure a smooth and seamless implementation. Additionally, it's important to train your HR team and employees on how to use the new technology. This will increase the likelihood of its adoption and success.

  • Monitor and evaluate: Regularly monitor the usage of your HR tech solution and gather feedback from HR and employees. Use this information to make improvements and ensure that the solution is meeting your company's needs. Also, consider periodically reviewing your HR tech needs to ensure that you're always utilising the best technology for your business.

Digital HR examples

Here’s a list of common uses of Digital HR by businesses.

1. Electronic onboarding

Electronic onboarding is a process where new employees can complete their onboarding paperwork and orientation online. This typically includes electronic signature, online forms, and e-learning modules. By digitising this process, HR teams can save time and reduce the use of paper. Additionally, it allows new employees to complete their onboarding from the comfort of their own homes.

2. Online HR management software

Online HR management software is a cloud-based solution that HR teams can use to manage employee data and HR processes. It allows the HR teams to access employee data from anywhere, improving the efficiency of the HR process. This includes tracking employee information such as personal details, job descriptions, and performance evaluations. The software also helps with the administration of employee benefits and payroll.

3. Electronic signature

Electronic signature refers to the use of digital signature technology in HR processes. This technology enables HR teams to obtain signatures on HR forms and documents electronically. Thus, eliminating the need for printing, mailing, and manual signature. By using an electronic signature, HR teams can also reduce the time it takes to process HR forms and increase security.

4. Video conferencing

Video conferencing is a tool that HR teams can use for virtual interviews and meetings. This technology allows HR teams to communicate with candidates and employees in real time. Thereby, doing away with the requirement for in-person meetings. Video conferencing can also be used for virtual training and development sessions. That way, HR teams can save resources, while providing a more flexible and convenient experience for employees.

5. HR apps

HR apps are smartphone and tablet apps that HR teams can use to manage processes. These apps provide them the ability to approve time off requests, track employee attendance, and manage performance evaluations. This can improve productivity and provide employees with a convenient way to access information.

The future of Digital HR

In conclusion, Digital HR is transforming the way the Human Resources departments work and handle employee information. By using technology, HR can now efficiently manage tasks such as recruitment, benefits administration, and performance evaluations. This not only saves time and resources, but also helps create a more positive and organised work environment for employees. It's important for companies to embrace Digital HR and stay ahead of the curve in this rapidly evolving technological landscape.

Frequently asked questions

Here are some common queries on Digital HR and their responses.


What is Digital HR?

Digital HR refers to the use of technology and digital tools to manage human resources processes and functions.

What are some examples of Digital HR tools?

Examples of Digital HR tools include the following.

  • Applicant tracking systems

  • Employee portals

  • Performance management softwares

  • Administration platforms

How can companies transition to Digital HR?

Companies can transition to Digital HR by following the below-listed steps.

  • Identify the HR processes that can be digitised

  • Select the appropriate Digital HR tools

  • Ensure a smooth implementation

What are some challenges with Digital HR implementation?

Some common challenges with Digital HR implementation include the following.

  • Resistance to change from employees and HR staff

  • Limited budget and resources

  • Difficulties integrating new technology with existing HR systems

What are the benefits of Digital HR for employees?

Digital HR benefits for employees can include the following.

  • A more efficient and user-friendly HR experience

  • Improved access to HR information and resources

  • The ability to perform HR tasks from anywhere and at any time

What are the benefits of Digital HR for HR professionals?

Benefits for HR professionals can include the following.

  • Improved HR processes and accuracy

  • The ability to gather and analyse HR data

  • The opportunity to spend more time on strategic HR initiatives

How secure is Digital HR information?

Digital HR information is typically stored in secure servers and protected by encryption and other security measures. However, companies should have strong security policies in place and regularly monitor their digital systems to prevent unauthorised access.

Disclaimer: The content on this page is generic and shared only for informational and explanatory purposes. It is based on several secondary sources on the internet and is subject to changes. Please consult an expert before making any related decisions.

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