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10 Dos and Don'ts for Preventing Coronavirus

Team AckoFeb 18, 2025

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COVID-19 disease is spreading around the world at a fast pace. Extensive research is being conducted by various countries to contain this spread. In this situation, every one of us should take all the measures possible to avoid an infection.

The number of people infected by COVID-19 is increasing despite a nation-wide lockdown. This can be avoided if people follow the dos and don’ts related to the novel Coronavirus. Let’s take a look at 10 things you should and should not do to avoid COVID-19.




Common Symptoms of Coronavirus

The coronavirus (COVID-19) has a range of symptoms that can vary from mild to severe. The most common signs to watch out for include fever, a dry cough, and tiredness. Some people may also experience aches and pains, sore throat, diarrhoea, conjunctivitis, headache, loss of taste or smell, a rash on the skin, or discoloration of fingers or toes. 

Symptoms usually begin 2-14 days after exposure to the virus, and while many people recover at home without needing special treatment, some may become seriously ill and require medical attention. Recognizing these symptoms early is key to taking the right precautions for COVID-19 and protecting yourself and those around you.

Things to do for Preventing Coronavirus:

Doing the following things regularly will help you keep the COVID-19 disease at bay:

1) Maintain Hygiene:

The very first thing which the experts are emphasising upon is that Coronavirus can be killed with soap and water. Wash your hands for at least 20 seconds as frequently as required. For example before meals, after visiting the washroom, after touching any surface that you feel might be contaminated, etc.

2) Practise Social Distancing:

It is advised that a distance of at least 3 to 6 feet should be maintained between yourself and other people. This should be thoroughly practised in case you are required to step out of the house. Remember to avoid getting in the close proximity of a stranger.

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3) Seek Medical Help if Symptoms Occur:

The symptoms of COVID-19 are a runny nose, sore throat, fever, and dry cough. If you or a family member is suffering from these symptoms for more than a day, it will be wise to get them checked from a certified medical professional.

4) Avoid Going Out:

One cannot know who is infected from the Coronavirus, thus it is best to stay at home and avoid the transmission. It is found that one person infected by COVID-19 can transmit it to multiple others. Imagine this as an uncontrolled chain reaction. Only you can break the chain by staying at home.

5) Buy Essentials That Will Last for a Week:

You should buy essential items like groceries that will last for a week to avoid going out in public multiple times. Make a list of items according to the size of your family and move around quickly. Return as soon as possible.

6) Eat a Healthy Diet:

You may start eating unhealthy things when you are confined to your homes. This could be a result of boredom. Instead, cook delicious and healthy recipes with the help of the internet. You should conscientiously include vitamins, proteins, and healthy carbohydrates in your diet. Additionally, you can boost your immunity with the help of Ayurveda.

7) Drink Plenty of Water:

Drinking water is beneficial for your overall health. Water keeps your body hydrated and increases the supply of oxygen to all the vital organs. It also helps your body eliminate toxins. A toxin buildup may lead to several diseases. Thus, drinking water can boost your immunity.

8) Disinfect Packages After Receiving Them:

The Coronavirus can remain stable on plastic and cardboard surfaces for more than 24 hours. There are chances of infection if a person comes in contact with these surfaces and then touches their face. To avoid this, disinfect the packages that you receive.

9) Thoroughly Sterilize Toys and Other Items:

One should take extra care to avoid COVID-19 when children are present in the family. Always sterilise toys, feeding bottles, and utensils that are used by babies and children. Remember that the Coronavirus can affect people of all age groups including children.

10) Take Good Care of Elders:

The immunity of a person weakens after a certain age. Thus, it is important to take care of the elders in the family. Urge them to regularly wash their hands, help them eat healthy food, include a lot of citrus fruits in their diet, and request them to stay indoors.

Also, read: Coronavirus Helpline Number, India

Things to Avoid During COVID-19 Pandemic:

Take care not to do the following things:

1) Avoid Assuming That You are Immune to COVID-19:

Some regions in India have become a hotspot of the Coronavirus. New cases are emerging from every corner of the country. In this situation do not assume that you cannot contract the disease. Take all the precautionary measures that will help you prevent an infection.

2) Do Not Eat Outside Food:

Even though a direct connection between outside food and Coronavirus has not been established, it is not wise to indulge in it. If you fall sick it will take a toll on your health. One cannot afford to fall sick at a time when the Coronavirus is already playing its part.

3) Avoid Touching Your Face:

Eyes, nose and mouth are the entry points for the virus. It enters into your body when you touch your face with possible decontamination. Thus, avoid touching your face without thoroughly washing your hands. Always use a sanitizer if you need to step out of the house.

4) Don’t Skip Disinfection of the House:

Your living space should be disinfected on a regular basis. Consider wiping various surfaces with a wipe or a mop dipped in a disinfecting solution. Other measures like using sanitizers should also be followed.

5) Avoid Stepping Out Without a Face Cover:

The government of India is urging people to cover their face if they need to step out of the house. A face cover need not be surgical, you can create it at home using a handkerchief or cotton cloth. Face cover will help with reducing the chances of transmission. Avoid buying a surgical mask or the N95 respirator. Frontline warriors i.e people who are actively working with people affected by COVID-19 are in need of medical-grade products. If possible donate such items.

6) Don’t Overstock Medicines:

Buying medicines in bulk is not fruitful. Other people may also be in need of these medicines. Since allopathic medicines come with an expiration date, you may not be able to use them yourself. Consider buying a single strip or bottle of medicine.

7) Don’t Allow Children to Play Outside:

Children may unknowingly come in contact with a surface contaminated with the Coronavirus. Thus, it is necessary that they remain indoors to avoid a possible transmission. Engage them in their favourite activities. However, excessive screen time could be an issue. Help them inculcate a new hobby that they can spend time in.

8) Don’t Ignore Government-issued Advice:

The government is trying to issue certain advice in the public interest. These are to be followed by everyone if they wish to avoid getting infected by Coronavirus. However, stick to official sources and do not believe in everything you read on the internet. You may come across unverified advice that could not be practical. For example, avoiding contact with pets. There are no particular findings that can support this theory.

9) Don’t Touch Open Surfaces in Public Places:

One should avoid touching surfaces like the railing of a staircase, elevator buttons, fruits or vegetables at the vendor’s stall, the counter of a shop, etc. with their bare hands. Since a lot of people will be in contact with such surfaces, they could get contaminated.

10) Don’t Panic:

The authorities are doing their best to contain the spread of COVID-19. Following official advice is the only way in which we can ensure that we don’t get infected. Thus, try not to panic.

What to Do If you're Sick

If you suspect you've caught the coronavirus, the first step is not to panic. Isolate yourself from others to prevent the spread, and get in touch with your healthcare provider for advice on testing and treatment. Stay hydrated, rest, and monitor your symptoms. If you have trouble breathing, persistent chest pain or pressure, new confusion, inability to wake or stay awake, or bluish lips or face, seek medical attention immediately. Following these COVID precautions can help manage your illness and protect others from potential exposure.

Hygiene Tips to Follow to Avoid Coronavirus

Good hygiene practices are at the heart of COVID-19 prevention measures. Here are some key strategies to incorporate into your daily routine:

  • Hand Hygiene: Wash your hands frequently with soap and water for at least 20 seconds, especially after you have been in a public place, or after blowing your nose, coughing, or sneezing. If soap and water are not readily available, use a hand sanitizer that contains at least 60% alcohol.

  • Wear Masks: Masks are a critical step in preventing the spread of the virus. Wear them in public settings, especially when social distancing measures are difficult to maintain.

  • Clean and Disinfect: Regularly clean and disinfect frequently touched surfaces daily. This includes tables, doorknobs, light switches, countertops, handles, desks, phones, keyboards, toilets, faucets, and sinks.

  • Social Distancing: Maintain at least 6 feet of distance between yourself and others who are not from your household. This is crucial in places where corona precautions at home may not be as controlled, like grocery stores or pharmacies.

By following these COVID-19 precautions and being mindful of how to avoid corona, you're not just protecting yourself; you're playing a crucial part in safeguarding your community.

Healthy Foods to Improve Your Immunity

Here's a list of some top picks to help you keep your immune system in fighting shape:

  • Citrus Fruits: Think oranges, grapefruits, lemons, and limes. These fruits are loaded with Vitamin C, which is known to increase the production of white blood cells. These cells are vital in fighting infections.

  • Red Bell Peppers: Surprise! They contain twice as much Vitamin C as citrus fruits and are also a rich source of beta carotene, which your body converts into Vitamin A, helping to keep your eyes and skin healthy.

  • Broccoli: This green powerhouse is packed with vitamins A, C, and E, as well as fibre and many other antioxidants. It’s one of the healthiest vegetables you can put on your plate. The key to keeping its power intact is to cook it as little as possible — or better yet, not at all.

  • Garlic: Found in almost every cuisine in the world, garlic adds a little zing to food and is a must-have for your health. It’s known to fight infections, lower blood pressure, and slow down the hardening of the arteries.

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How to boost immunity for a healthy living?

Having a strong immune system is important to combat the infection caused due to Coronavirus. Your immunity will help you keep other diseases at bay too. Here are a few ways in which you can strengthen your immunity:

  • Avoid smoking or drinking excessively. It weakens vital organs like lungs, liver, etc. 

  • Exercising on a regular basis will help in improving your overall health. Try home workouts, these are as effective as going out and exercising.

  • Sleep well. Not sleeping properly can have a negative impact on your health. It tires your body and mind.

Frequently Asked Questions

Here are the answers to questions that you might currently have:

Can I go for a morning or an evening walk during a lockdown?


No, it is a bad idea to step out of the house, unless for an emergency, during the lockdown. Going out for walks or a simple stroll could attract fines and punishments since it is against the law during the lockdown. Consider moving about in the house if you have a fixed routine of morning or evening walks.

Should I give away my pet to avoid the COVID-19 infection?


There is not enough evidence to support the theory that pets transmit COVID-19. Try not to abandon them because you are their family.

Can I socialize with my neighbours?


Unfortunately, no. A person may not show the symptoms of COVID-19 however, he/she may still transmit it. It is best to avoid socializing with other people. Trying our best to avoid transmission is the only way forward.

Is there a particular set of people who are more prone to contracting COVID-19?


People of all age groups can get affected by a Coronavirus, however, those with pre-existing conditions like diabetes, heart issues, respiratory illnesses are at higher risk of contracting this disease.

How soon can a person recover from COVID-19?


According to WHO, it takes around 2 weeks for a patient with a mild case of COVID-19 and 3 to 6 weeks for severe cases of this disease to recover.

Disclaimer: *Except for exclusions like maternity benefits, undisclosed diseases, etc. Please check policy wordings for more details.
**The content on this page is generic and shared only for informational and explanatory purposes. It is based on industry experience and several secondary sources on the internet; and is subject to changes. Please go through the applicable policy wordings for updated ACKO-centric content and before making any insurance-related decisions.

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Related Articles:


  • Protect yourself and others, Department of Telecommunications | Ministry of Communication | Government of India,\_Corona\_ad\_Eng.pdf?download=1

  • New coronavirus stable for hours on surfaces, National Institutes of Health (NIH) | Turning Discovery Into Health,

  • Report of the WHO-China Joint Mission on Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19), World Health Organization,




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