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World's Deadliest Diseases: 10 Diseases That Impacted Human History

Dr. Ajay KohliJan 22, 2025

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Many notable epidemics and pandemics have ravaged civilisations throughout history, threatening human existence. But, thanks to the advances made towards virology, surveillance, drug discovery, and vaccine development, humans persevered and survived. Here’s an overview of some diseases that forever altered human history and healthcare.





10 Most Deadliest Diseases

1. Bubonic Plague


Bubonic Plague is a potentially fatal infectious disease caused by the bacterium, Yersinia pestis. Throughout centuries, the disease has erupted several times in different eras, claiming between ten and millions of lives worldwide. However, the devastation reported in the 14th century, also called "The Black Death, " was one of mankind's worst pandemics that killed more than 25 million people, including a third of Europe's population. This ultimately led to the use of quarantine as the primary public health measure. 


Prevention and Treatment

Sudden fever

- Avoid handling live or dead animals


- Use insect repellents with DEET


- Minimise exposure to flea-infested areas


- Wear protective clothing and gloves

Swollen, painful lymph nodes or buboes

- Keep living areas clean and free of rodents

Lung infections, vomiting of blood, scattered black spots

- Seek prompt medical treatment


- Administer intensive antibiotic treatment


- Follow healthcare provider's instructions



When and Where

Number of Deaths

First Plague Pandemic

541–549 AD, Asia, Africa, Europe

15–100 million

Second Plague Pandemic

1346–1353, Europe, Northern Africa

75–200 million

Third Plague Pandemic

1855–1912, Worldwide (mainly China and India)

12–15 million

Lung infections, vomiting of blood, and scattered black spots can also be experienced. Plague kills 30 to 90% of those infected without treatment within 10 days of bite exposure. But with intensive antibiotic treatment, the risk drops to 10%. The best way to prevent the spreading of Bubonic Plague is to avoid handling live or dead animals and use insect repellents containing DEET, among other precautions.

2. Spanish flu or Influenza


Influenza or flu is a contagious respiratory disease caused by variants of Influenza viruses. For more than a century, there have been six major Influenza epidemics. But the 1918 to 1920 flu pandemic, popularly known as "the Great Influenza epidemic" or "the Spanish flu," was the most severe, caused by the H1N1 virus with genes from avian origin. The disease killed about fifty million people, mostly young adults, and infected another 500 million amid World War I. In 2009, a relatively mild flu outbreak killed approximately 3,00,000 people.

Humans are host to several types of Influenza viruses, but pandemics occur only when other animals, such as pigs, ducks, or chickens, transmit a new strain to humans. Symptoms of the flu range from mild to severe and usually include.

Influenza Viruses

Transmission Source


Various Types

Other animals (e.g., pigs, ducks, chickens)

Fever, runny nose, sore throat, body ache, headache, coughing, watery red eyes, tiredness

Currently, Influenza isn't preventable by vaccines. So, most controlling efforts are non-pharmaceutical, limited to isolation, quarantine, good personal hygiene, disinfectants, and limiting public gatherings.


Type of Virus

Number of Deaths

1510 influenza pandemic


Around 1% of those infected

1557–1559 influenza pandemic (Asia, Africa, Europe, Americas)



1732–1733 Thirteen Colonies influenza epidemic (North America)



1847–1848 influenza epidemic (Worldwide)



1889–90 flu pandemic (Worldwide)

H3N8 or H2N2

1 million

1918–20 influenza pandemic: “Spanish flu” (Worldwide)


17–100 million

1957–1958 influenza pandemic: “Asian flu” (Worldwide)


1–4 million

Hong Kong flu (Worldwide)


1–4 million

1977 Russian flu (Worldwide)



2009 swine flu pandemic (Worldwide)



2015 Indian swine flu outbreak (India)



Typical annual seasonal flu*

Various types

290,000–650,000 per year

3. Smallpox



Smallpox, a contagious viral infection caused by the variola virus, has been one of the most widespread causes of human death for centuries. Variola major and variola minor were the two types of Smallpox virus, with variola major being the severe form. The disease was more common in children, but the risk seemed higher for those who came in contact with an infected person or contaminated objects. People who had Smallpox usually had the following symptoms.

  • fever

  • vomiting

  • skin rashes

  • fluid-filled bumps 

While the first mention of Smallpox dates back to the reign of the great Egyptian Pharaoh Ramses V (1156 BC), the outbreak in 18th-century Europe was the deadliest, killing 30% of those infected, mostly babies. Those who survived had extensive body scars, and about a third were left blind. In the 20th century alone, the disease killed around 300 million people. Smallpox was last naturally endemic in 1977. Since then, the success of vaccination has eradicated disease globally.



Number of Deaths

Percentage of Population


Japanese smallpox epidemic

2 million

About 1⁄3 of Japanese population


Mexico smallpox epidemic

5–8 million

40% of population


Chile smallpox epidemic


20–25% of native population


Iceland smallpox epidemic


36% of population


North Carolina smallpox epidemic




North American smallpox epidemic


30% of population


New South Wales smallpox epidemic


50–70% of native population


New South Wales smallpox epidemic




Great Plains smallpox epidemic




Pacific Northwest smallpox epidemic




Europe smallpox epidemic




Smallpox epidemic of India



4. Cholera 



Cholera is an acute intestinal infection caused by the bacterium Vibrio Cholera. The illness is marked byprofuse cramping, vomiting, and watery diarrhoea, leading to rapid dehydration. If left untreated, the symptoms turn so severe that patients usually die within hours. Cholera spreads through contaminated food and water, often causing small outbreaks. However, these outbreaks quickly become a crisis if sanitation systems are disrupted. 

In the twenty-first century, the illness continues to affect approximately 2.9 million people per year, resulting in 95,000 deaths worldwide, mostly in low- and middle-income countries due to poverty. The African continent, in particular, has been hit hard, with 40 million people living in Cholera-endemic areas at risk of frequent outbreaks. At the same time, more developed countries such as North America and Europe have had virtually no Cholera for a century due to improved sanitation infrastructure and advances in personal hygiene.


When and Where

Number of Deaths

First cholera pandemic

1817–1824, Asia, Europe


Second cholera pandemic

1826–1837, Asia, Europe, North America


Third cholera pandemic

1846–1860, Worldwide

1 million+

Fourth cholera pandemic

1863–1875, Middle East


Fifth cholera pandemic

1881–1896, Asia, Africa, Europe, South America


Sixth cholera pandemic

1899–1923, Europe, Asia, Africa


Egypt cholera epidemic

1947, Egypt


Seventh cholera pandemic

1961–1975, Worldwide


Bangladesh cholera epidemic

1991, Bangladesh


Latin America cholera epidemic

1991–1993, Peru, Chile, Bolivia, Ecuador, Colombia, Mexico, El Salvador, Guatemala


Zimbabwean cholera outbreak



Haiti cholera outbreak



Yemen cholera outbreak

2016–2021, Yemen

3,886 (as of 30 November 2019)




HIV, or human immunodeficiency virus, which causes acquired immunodeficiency syndrome, or AIDS, remains one of the fatal diseases of the 21st century, killing tens of millions since 1981. There are currently 38.4 million people living with HIV/AIDS worldwide, of which over 7 million come from Sub-Saharan Africa.

For decades the illness had no cure. But with awareness and the advent of antiretroviral treatment, the disease has become more manageable, with global HIV death rates dropping from 2.2 million to 1.6 million between 2005 and 2012.

HIV can be transmitted through unprotected sexual contact, intravenous drug use, infected blood transfusion, shared use of injectors, from mother-to-child transmission during pregnancy, childbirth, and breastfeeding. The virus destroys a type of white blood cell essential to a functioning immune system. But as the virus gradually weakens the immunity, it causes symptoms, making it harder for your body to resist infections and other diseases.


Number of Confirmed Cases

Number of Deaths

HIV/AIDS pandemic, 1981–present (Worldwide)


35 million+ (as of 2020)

6. Ebola


Ebola is a rare and fatal disease caused by the Ebola filovirus. There are five types of Ebola virus, four of which are known to cause human disease. The Bat is suspected to be the natural reservoir of the virus. Humans contract the disease through direct contact with vomit, infected body fluids, or contaminated objects such as needles and syringes. Symptoms usually begin between two and 21 days after infection and include:

  • fever

  • sore throat

  • severe headaches

  • diarrhoea

  • vomiting

  • muscle pain and weakness

  • decreased liver and kidney function

  • bleeding and bruising (both internally and externally)

Several small outbreaks of Ebola have occurred in Africa since its discovery in 1976, but the incident between 2013 and 2016 was the deadliest. The episode began in Guinea and progressed to Sierra Leone and Liberia. Roughly 28,600 people got infected, and 11,325 died before the virus was contained and declared in 2016.

7. Coronavirus


Initially reported in Wuhan in late 2019, the novel SARS-CoV-2 virus causes the coronavirus illness. The disease quickly spread like wildfire, resulting in a pandemic. As of mid-October 2022, approximately 6.5 million people had died from the COVID-19 pandemic.

People contract COVID-19 when they inhale virus-containing droplets/aerosols and tiny airborne particles expelled by infected people while coughing, sneezing, or speaking. Symptoms typically appear two to 14 days after virus exposure, with most people tending to have mild to moderate symptoms such as fever, loss of smell, and tiredness. However, severe symptoms may be seen in those with other health problems such as diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, etc. There is no standard cure for COVID-19, but there are many ways to manage it, including oxygen support, antivirals, and, most importantly, vaccines.


Number of Confirmed Cases

Number of Deaths

COVID-19 pandemic (2019-present)

167 million+ (as of May 2021)

3 million+ (as of May 2021)

8. Malaria

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Malaria is a potentially life-threatening disease caused by the Plasmodium parasite, which is transmitted to humans through the bites of infected Anopheles mosquitoes. It has plagued humanity for thousands of years, with historical records indicating its presence as early as ancient Egypt. Malaria is still widespread today, particularly in sub-Saharan Africa, parts of Asia, and Latin America. The most severe form of malaria is caused by Plasmodium falciparum, which is responsible for the majority of the disease’s deaths. While significant progress has been made in controlling malaria through preventive measures such as insecticide-treated bed nets and antimalarial drugs, the emergence of drug-resistant strains presents a growing challenge. 

Despite these challenges, malaria remains a major public health concern, infecting millions annually and causing hundreds of thousands of deaths each year. Efforts to control malaria focus on reducing mosquito populations, preventing mosquito bites, and providing early and effective treatment. There is ongoing research into a malaria vaccine, and in recent years, vaccines such as RTS,S have shown promise, especially in high-risk areas.


Prevention and Treatment 


Use insect repellents with DEET


Sleep under insecticide-treated bed nets


Take antimalarial medications as prescribed


Eliminate mosquito breeding sites by draining stagnant water


Wear long-sleeved clothing and trousers to reduce exposure to mosquito bites

Muscle and joint pain







When and Where



Total Deaths


Recent Pandemic


2022, Global (85 countries, primarily in sub-Saharan Africa and Southeast Asia)


608,000 (estimated)


Previous Pandemic


2021, Global (mostly sub-Saharan Africa, Southeast Asia, and Latin America)


610,000 (estimated)


Major Outbreak


2016-2020, Sub-Saharan Africa, Southeast Asia, and some parts of the Americas



Estimated 1.3 million deaths during the period


Global Pandemic


2000s, Sub-Saharan Africa, Southeast Asia, parts of the Caribbean


Over 1 million deaths annually, particularly in Africa


9. Tuberculosis (TB)

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Tuberculosis (TB) is a contagious bacterial infection caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis, primarily affecting the lungs but can spread to other organs. It has been a significant global health threat for centuries, with evidence of the disease found in mummified remains from ancient Egypt. While advances in antibiotics have made TB treatable, it remains one of the leading infectious diseases worldwide, particularly in developing countries. In recent years, multidrug-resistant (MDR) and extensively drug-resistant (XDR) TB strains have emerged, complicating treatment regimens and posing a significant challenge to global health. TB spreads through the air when an infected person coughs or sneezes, making crowded living conditions and poor ventilation major risk factors.

Global efforts to combat TB include widespread vaccination with the BCG vaccine, which provides some protection, especially in children. TB treatment requires a long course of antibiotics, and adherence to the full treatment regimen is crucial to prevent resistance. Public health strategies to reduce TB transmission focus on improving living conditions, providing early diagnosis, and ensuring access to effective treatment.





Prevention and Treatment 


Persistent cough lasting more than three weeks

Complete the prescribed TB treatment regimen

Chest pain

Practice good hygiene, such as covering the mouth when coughing or sneezing

Coughing up blood or sputum

Ensure ventilation in living spaces to prevent airborne transmission


BCG vaccination (in countries with high TB prevalence)


Weight loss


Night sweats








When and Where






2023, Global


1.25 million (including 161,000 with HIV)


Multidrug-resistant TB (MDR-TB)


2023, Global


5646 people started treatment with BPaLM/BPaL regimen (no specific death count provided)


HIV-associated TB


2023, Global (highest burden in WHO African Region)


161,000 (associated with HIV)


10. Dengue Fever

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Dengue fever is a viral disease transmitted primarily by Aedes aegypti mosquitoes, which thrive in tropical and subtropical regions of the world. The disease has been recognised for centuries, but its incidence has increased dramatically in recent decades, primarily due to urbanisation, population growth, and increased global travel. Dengue fever is common in Southeast Asia, Central and South America, and parts of the Caribbean. The virus can cause mild to severe illness, with severe cases leading to dengue hemorrhagic fever (DHF) or dengue shock syndrome (DSS), both of which can be fatal. Over the past few decades, the global incidence of dengue has grown significantly, with an estimated 390 million cases each year, many of which are asymptomatic or mild.

Efforts to control dengue focus on eliminating mosquito breeding sites, primarily by removing standing water where mosquitoes lay eggs. Public health campaigns emphasise the use of insect repellents, protective clothing, and sleeping under mosquito nets to reduce exposure to mosquitoes. Research into a dengue vaccine has been progressing, and the introduction of the Dengvaxia vaccine in some countries has shown promise, though its use remains limited.


Prevention and Treatment 

High fever

Eliminate mosquito breeding sites by removing stagnant water in containers, tyres, and other items that collect water

Severe headache

Use insect repellent containing DEET

Pain behind the eyes

Wear long-sleeved clothing and long pants

Joint and muscle pain

Use mosquito nets or screens while sleeping

Nausea and vomiting

Seek early medical care to reduce the risk of complications

Mild bleeding (e.g., nosebleeds, gum bleeding)





When and Where



Dengue Fever


2023, Global, affecting over 80 countries worldwide



More than 7,300 deaths


Dengue (Americas)


2023, Americas (highest cases reported)



2,300 deaths


Dengue (Asia)


2023, Bangladesh (321,000), Malaysia (111,400), Thailand (150,000), Vietnam (369,000)


Specific death count not provided, but high incidence in these countries

Key Takeaway

Pandemics and Epidemics have a profound influence on human history, causing widespread devastation and significant loss of lives. They shape public health systems, societal norms, and medical advancements. Diseases like the Bubonic Plague, Spanish Flu, Smallpox, Cholera, HIV/AIDS, Ebola,COVID-19, Malaria, Tuberculosis and Dengue Fever have not only disrupted civilisations but changed societies altogether. They exposed vulnerabilities in healthcare systems, including inadequate counter-measures and lack of effective treatment, pivoting the need for concrete actions in scientific research in virology, vaccines, and healthcare strategies globally. 

Disclaimer: The content on this page is generic and shared only for informational and explanatory purposes. Please consult a doctor before making any health-related decisions.

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