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12 Best Zinc-Rich Foods: Fruits & Vegetables Included

Dr. Rashmi ByakodiJan 24, 2025

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Zinc is a crucial micronutrient that plays a vital role in over a hundred enzymatic reactions in the body. Therefore, it is imperative to include zinc-rich foods in your diet. This mineral, along with iron, is necessary in small quantities daily to support overall health and essential bodily functions. 

The advantages of zinc stem from its presence in all bodily tissues. It is essential for promoting healthy cell division and acts as an antioxidant by combating free radical damage and slowing down the ageing process. Global research has highlighted zinc deficiency as a widespread issue, with insufficient zinc intake being a primary cause. 

Around 17.3% of individuals worldwide may not be consuming adequate levels of zinc in their diets. Shockingly, zinc deficiency ranks as the fifth most significant risk factor for disease worldwide. This deficiency can arise when there is a lack of zinc-rich foods in your diet or if there are difficulties in absorbing zinc due to digestive issues or poor gut health.

The encouraging news is that you can enjoy this vital mineral's numerous benefits by incorporating reliable sources of zinc into your daily meals. So, check out the top sources of zinc below:




12 Best Zinc Rich Foods: Fruits and Vegetables

Zinc is found in both animal and plant food sources. But it is best absorbed from animal protein.  Despite the availability of plant-based sources of zinc, their bioavailability is reduced due to their high phytic acid content, which hinders the absorption of this mineral. Studies indicate that individuals who follow a vegetarian or vegan diet may require up to 50% more zinc in their daily diets to meet their needs. 

Nevertheless, the inhibitory effects of phytic acid on zinc absorption can be minimised through various methods such as soaking, heating, sprouting, and fermenting. Furthermore, zinc absorption can be enhanced by consuming yeast-based breads, sourdough breads, sprouts, and pre-soaked legumes.

Here is a list of the best zinc foods, including fruits and vegetables, that are considered the richest source of this mineral: 

(Note: Make sure to consult your doctor before making any major changes in your diet.)

Dairy products

Dairy items like milk and cheese contain zinc. One cup of milk has 1.0 mg of zinc, 9% of the daily value (DV), whereas 100 grams of cheese provides 3.1 gm of zinc, 21% of the DV. The zinc in milk and cheese is bioavailable, so our body absorbs it quickly.


Oysters are high in zinc and low in calories. That's because a half-dozen oysters contain about 32 milligrams of zinc, which is about 291 per cent of the daily value for this mineral. Oysters are also rich in vitamin D, copper, and manganese.

Other shellfish, like crabs, contain 7.6 milligrams of zinc per 100 grams. This contributes 69% of the daily value. Mussels and shrimp also have a high zinc content; they contain 14% of the daily value in 100 grams. 


Zinc can be found in large quantities in red meat. One hundred grams of meat contains 4.8 milligrams of zinc, almost 44 per cent of the daily value. Also, meat provides other essential nutrients such as protein, vitamin B12, and iron. However, meat is also high in fat and cholesterol, so eating too much of it may increase your risk of heart disease and some cancers. It is best to eat meat in moderation.


These are plant-based foods rich in zinc. Legumes such as chickpeas, lentils, and beans have abundant zinc. Around 1 cup of legumes contains the following amount of zinc:

  • Chickpeas: around 2.5 mg Zinc, which is 17% of the DV

  • Kidney beans: 1.8mg, which is 12% of the DV

  • Lentils: 2.5 mg of Zinc, which is 17% of the DV

Additionally, legumes are low in calories and fat and high in protein, fibre, and other nutrients. Also, legumes contain phytates, which may inhibit zinc absorption in your body. However, soaking, sprouting, heating, and fermenting can minimise the inhibitory effect of phytates in legumes. 


Seeds such as hemp, pumpkin, flax, and sesame are high in zinc. Here is a list of zinc content in 30 grams of various seeds: 

  • Hemp seeds provide 5.0 mg of Zinc, which is 34% of the daily value

  • Pumpkin seeds contribute 2.1mg of Zinc, which is 14% of the DV

  • Flaxseeds have 1.2 mg of Zinc, which is 8% of the DV

  • Sesame seeds give 2.2 mg of Zinc, which is 14% of the daily value

Apart from being high in zinc, these seeds have ample vitamins, minerals, and fibre. They make an excellent addition to your diet to lower your blood pressure and cholesterol.


Nuts such as peanuts, almonds, and pine nuts contain zinc. Cashews contain the most zinc per serving: 30 grams of cashews contain 1.6 mg of zinc, which is about 11% of your daily value.

Besides zinc, nuts are rich in vitamin E, B6, niacin, folate, magnesium, iron, selenium, phosphorus, potassium, copper, healthy unsaturated fats, and fibre. Consuming nuts is beneficial in lowering the risk factors for diseases like cancer and diabetes.

Fruits and vegetables

Fruits and vegetables contain less zinc than meat and seafood. However, some of them contain a reasonable amount of zinc and can contribute to your daily intake, especially if you are a vegetarian.

Some fruits that have zinc are as follows: 

  • 1 cup (144 grams) of blackberries provides 0.8 mg of Zinc, which is 5% of the DV

  • 1 cup (150 grams) of avocados has 1.0 mg of Zinc, which is 6% of the DV

  • 1 pomegranate (around 285 grams) gives 1.0 mg of Zinc, which is almost 7% of the DV

  • 1 medium-sized banana (about 118 grams) has 0.2 mg of Zinc and contributes 1% of the DV

  • 1 cup of  kiwi fruit (177 grams) gives 0.2 mg of Zinc, which is 2% of the DV

  • 1 cup of apricot (165 grams) provides 0.3 mg of Zinc, which is 2% of the DV

Some vegetables that have zinc are as follows: 

  • 1 cup of cooked spinach (180 grams) provides 1.4 mg of Zinc, about 9 % of the DV

  • 1 cup of cooked shiitake mushrooms (145 grams) provides 1.9 mg of Zinc, which is 13% of the DV

  • 100 grams of green peas provide 1.2 mg of Zinc, around 8% of the DV

  • 1 cup of asparagus (134 grams) provides 0.7 mg of Zinc, about 5% of the DV

  • 1 cup of beet greens (144 grams) provides 0.7 mg of Zinc, which is 5%of the DV

  • 1 cup of chopped broccoli (91 grams) gives 0.4 mg of Zinc, about 2% of the DV

  • 100 grams of okra provide 0.4 mg of Zinc, which is 3% of the DV


Eggs and chicken contribute zinc to your diet in moderate amounts, which can help you meet your daily target. A boiled egg contains 0.5 mg of zinc, contributing 4% of the recommended daily intake of this mineral. A 140 g portion of cooked chicken contains 4 mg of zinc, or 27% of the recommended daily allowance. 


This tasty, nutrient-rich breakfast item provides 2.9 mg of zinc (20% of your daily value). Besides zinc, it is loaded with folate, vitamin B6, fibre, and beta-glucan, which keeps your heart healthy and helps regulate cholesterol levels.

Dark chocolates

It might surprise you to learn that dark chocolate has a considerable amount of zinc in it. A 100-gram chocolate bar contains 3.3 mg of zinc, almost 22% of the daily value. Dark chocolate contains iron, magnesium, copper, and phosphorus besides zinc. It contains flavanol, an excellent source of antioxidants, and helps manage blood pressure, boosts immunity, and improves blood flow.

Fortified Cereals

This is an easy and delectable way to have breakfast and guarantees you will get your proper daily dose of zinc. Many breakfast cereals are fortified with essential vitamins and minerals, including zinc. Picking a fortified cereal makes it easy and concentrated to increase your zinc intake and, in turn, overall health.


Another zinc-rich food is an egg, one of the richest and most versatile foods on the planet. However, while they do not contain as much zinc as other sources, they provide a reasonable amount of zinc and other nutrients like protein and various vitamins and minerals. High-protein foods like eggs are very important since they are needed to build and repair tissues. They are also rich in vitamins A, D, E, and K, as well as other B vitamins, including folate and B12. Other minerals present in eggs include iron, selenium and zinc.

Signs of Zinc Deficiency

Zinc, a vital mineral, plays a multifaceted role in human health. Its deficiency can manifest in various ways, often depending on age and overall health. Zinc's involvement in numerous bodily processes is usually associated with age and state of health. When zinc is deficient, it also poses a negative impact on an organ as it takes part in many basic processes, such as immune, growth, and genetic division. Hence, when there are deficiencies in zinc, numerous dysfunctions of the body can be observed.

5 Common Signs of Zinc Deficiency

Skin Issues

  • Delayed wound healing

  • Skin rashes

  • Dry skin

  • Hair loss (alopecia)

Digestive Problems

  • Loss of appetite

  • Diarrhoea

  • Poor digestion

  • Immune System Weakening:

  • Frequent infections

  • Impaired immune function

Neurological Symptoms

  • Delayed development in children

  • Impaired cognitive function

  • Changes in mood and behaviour

Sensory Impairment

  • Loss of taste and smell

Reproductive Issues

  • Decreased fertility

  • Irregular menstrual cycles

  • Erectile dysfunction

Specific to Age Groups

Infants and Children

  • Growth retardation

  • Delayed development

  • Frequent infections

  • Diarrhea

  • Loss of appetite

Older Adults

  • Impaired wound healing

  • Cognitive decline

  • Changes in mood and behaviour

Groups at Risk of Zinc Inadequacy

Certain groups of people are more susceptible to zinc deficiency due to various factors, including dietary habits, underlying health conditions, and lifestyle choices. Here are some of the groups at risk:

Individuals with Gastrointestinal Disorders

  • Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD): People with IBD, such as Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis, often experience zinc deficiency due to malabsorption and increased intestinal inflammation.

  • Bariatric Surgery Patients: Post-bariatric surgery individuals may have reduced zinc absorption, leading to a potential deficiency.

Vegetarians and Vegans

  • Phytate Interference: Plant-based diets, particularly vegan diets, are rich in phytates, which can bind to zinc and hinder its absorption.

  • Lower Dietary Zinc Intake: Vegetarian and vegan diets may lack the variety of zinc-rich foods found in omnivorous diets.

Pregnant and Lactating Women

  • Increased Demand: Pregnancy and lactation significantly increase the body's demand for zinc to support fetal growth and milk production.

  • Potential for Deficiency: Inadequate zinc intake during these periods can lead to various health issues for both the mother and child.

Infants and Young Children

  • Breastfed Infants: Breast milk is a great source of zinc, but after six months, it may not provide sufficient amounts, especially if the mother's diet is deficient in zinc.

  • Children with Sickle Cell Disease: These children may have impaired zinc absorption and increased zinc excretion, leading to deficiency.

People with Alcohol Use Disorder

  • Malabsorption: Alcohol consumption can interfere with zinc absorption in the intestines.

  • Poor Diet: Alcohol use often leads to poor dietary choices, further exacerbating zinc deficiency.

Individuals may thus, avoid the risks of zinc intake by observing all the risk factors and ensuring all the requisite nutrients are taken in either in balance or with the help of supplements or doctors' advisement.

How Much Zinc Do You Need?

Your daily zinc requirement is not too high. Since it is a trace mineral, small amounts can be healthy for your body. An adult male has a dietary allowance of 8 mg, and it is 11 mg for adult females. 

During pregnancy and breastfeeding, women usually have a higher zinc requirement. But, adults shouldn't get a maximum of 40 mg of zinc per day. It's the maximum amount for adults from all sources of zinc, including food and supplements. 

Benefits of Zinc 

Consuming the best zinc foods offers the following benefits:

  • Fights oxidative stress: Since zinc is an antioxidant, it can combat oxidative stress. Therefore, this mineral can reduce the risk of several diseases. It also helps in fighting off different infections. 

  • Improves eye health: Zinc-enriched foods can activate vitamin A in the body to maintain strong vision. Therefore, the mineral can improve your night vision. Moreover, it prevents diminished vision by fighting inflammation and oxidation. 

  • Strengthens the immune system: Zinc-based foods can activate T-cells to support immune function. A high zinc level in the body can keep the common cold and other illnesses at bay. 

  • Speeds up wound healing: The role of zinc in the human body also includes treating infections. Therefore, it can support faster recovery from wounds. 

  • Balances hormones: Zinc is essential for the synthesis of hormones. It has been demonstrated to raise testosterone levels and sperm quality naturally. Women must produce progesterone and oestrogen. The primary hormone responsible for maintaining a normal blood sugar level, insulin, requires zinc to function properly. Therefore, consuming the best sources of zinc is quite important for diabetics.  

  • Enhances muscle repair and growth: Zinc is required to keep the skeletal and muscular systems strong since it is essential for cell growth and division. Regularly following a zinc-rich foods chart facilitates the release of growth hormone, testosterone, and insulin-like growth factor-1. All of these contribute to the development of muscle mass and the maintenance of a healthy metabolism.

  • Improves cardiovascular health: Adequate levels of zinc in the body are necessary to keep the cells in the cardiovascular system healthy. Moreover, this mineral improves heart health by reducing inflammation and oxidative stress. 

  • Supports nutrient absorption: Zinc is required to use amino acids from food, which also impacts protein synthesis. Additionally, it has a role in the digestive process of carbohydrates, which are among people's main energy sources. For this reason, low energy and adrenal or chronic tiredness may result from not following a zinc-rich diet.

Zinc is an essential trace mineral that helps keep your immune system healthy. By consuming zinc-rich foods, you can maintain healthy zinc levels in your body and ward off infections and diseases.

Tips for Increasing Zinc Absorption

The following tips should be followed to attain maximum absorption of the zinc consumed:

Dietary Strategies

  • Pair with Vitamin C-rich foods: Vitamin C enhances zinc absorption. Consume zinc-rich foods with citrus fruits, berries, or bell peppers.

  • Limit Phytate Intake: Phytates, found in grains, legumes, and nuts, can bind to zinc and reduce its absorption. Soaking grains and legumes before cooking can help reduce phytate content.

  • Choose Fermented Foods: Fermented foods like yoghurt and kefir contain beneficial bacteria that can enhance zinc absorption.

Lifestyle Factors

  • Moderate Alcohol Consumption: Excessive alcohol intake can impair zinc absorption.

  • Manage Chronic Conditions: Conditions like inflammatory bowel disease can interfere with zinc absorption. Consult with a healthcare provider for appropriate management.

By incorporating these tips into your lifestyle, you can optimise your zinc intake and support overall health.

Key Takeaway

Zinc, which is one of the essential minerals, is involved in most processes of the body. With knowledge of zinc intake as well as deficiency signs, people should take measures necessary to maintain optimal health.

Those who eat a lot of meat, poultry, seafood, cheese, and fortified cereals, as well as legumes, nuts and grains, will boost their zinc intake. Other factors should also be taken into consideration, such as avoidance of too much alcohol and controlling chronic diseases in order to promote uptake.

If, however, there are more concerns about zinc deficiency, consult with a healthcare professional for personalised advice and potential supplementation. Remember, a balanced diet and lifestyle promote appropriate levels of zinc.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Here’s a list of some common queries along with their answers regarding Zinc-rich food items.

Which food items are rich in Zinc?


Food items like oysters, red meat, crabs, mushrooms, hemp seeds, pumpkin seeds, chicken, oatmeal, and chickpeas are rich in Zinc.

What are the benefits of Zinc?


Zinc is essential for strengthening immunity, protein and DNA synthesis, cell growth and cell division, healing wounds, and enhancing the sense of taste and smell.

What are the symptoms of Zinc deficiency?


The symptoms of zinc deficiency may include the following: 

  • Delay in the healing of wounds
  • Weakened immunity
  • Loss of taste and smell
  • Depression
  • Loss of appetite
  • Weight loss
  • Skin infections
  • Fatigue
  • Diarrhoea
  • Hair loss

What blocks the absorption of Zinc?


Phytate, a natural component present in plants, inhibits the absorption of Zinc into your body.

Which fruit contains the highest content of zinc?


Pomegranate is one of the fruits with the highest zinc content.  Eating one pomegranate can provide about 9% of your daily zinc needs. 


Disclaimer: The content on this page is generic and shared only for informational and explanatory purposes. It is based on several secondary sources on the internet. As this content piece is not vetted by a medical professional, please consult a doctor before making any health-related decisions.

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