Home / Health Insurance / Articles / Diseases / What are Migraine Headaches? Understanding Types, Treatment and Prevention
Team AckoFeb 19, 2025
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People often say that they are in a good ‘headspace’ when things are going well. However, headaches can cause severe turbulence in this headspace. Even seemingly simple tasks can come across as daunting for people facing such problems, especially those suffering from a migraine headache. A straightforward day can turn into a nightmare if your head is continuously paining. People describe it as a migraine. They tend to use the term Migraine Headache (MH) loosely. Not all headaches are MH. Read ahead to know more about MH, its causes, symptoms, and prevention measures.
Migraine headaches are headaches that occur due to physiologic changes in the brain. These changes cause severe pain in the head. A person going through a MH might also be sensitive to light, sound, and smell. The condition also causes nausea and vomiting.
MH can lead to pain in one or both sides of the head. People describe the pain during MH as throbbing. There are different types of headaches apart from MH such as Cluster Headaches or Tension Headaches. There are sub-categories of headaches within MH as well.
People can experience multiple migraine symptoms at once. Mentioned below is a list of common symptoms of MH.
Throbbing pain
Enhanced pain during physical activity
Light sensitivity
Noise sensitivity
Smell sensitivity
Upset stomach
Pain in the stomach
Loss of appetite
Feeling too warm
Feeling too cold
Pale skin
Experiencing fatigue
Blurry vision
It is best to consult a doctor if you are experiencing MH and follow the medical advice. Listed below are some migraine treatments.
Some people rely on over-the-counter (OTC) medicine for migraine relief. It is suggested to visit a doctor if you have taken OTC medication for two days and the pain has not reduced.
This type of treatment is suggested by doctors if you experience nausea along with MH.
Preventive medication for MH includes antidepressants, medication for blood pressure and medication for seizure.
Biofeedback is a technique that can help you manipulate some of your body’s functions by using visual or auditory feedback. The Biofeedback Technique can stop the headache from escalating.
This prevention technique relies on magnetic energy to stop or minimize the intensity of your headache.
People suffer from different types of migraines. The intensity of the pain and the treatment differs from one type to the other. Here’s a list of MH.
In this context, an aura can be explained as sensory and visual changes experienced by the person going through MH. This is also termed as Complicated Migraine. One-fourth of people suffering from MH deal with this type.
As the name suggests, this type of MH is not accompanied by an aura. They are referred to as Common Migraine. This type of MH does not come with warning phases.
Such headaches occur for more than fifteen days in a month. Such MH can occur because of overusing medication. People suffering from a Chronic Migraine face severe headache and have another type of chronic pain.
Acute Migraine is also known as Episodic Migraine. Headaches that are not described as Chronic are termed as Acute. They occur for less than two weeks in thirty days.
This type of migraine is associated with vertigo. Symptoms of Vestibular Migraine include losing balance and experiencing dizziness. These MH can be triggered by specific food items. Making dietary changes can prove helpful in mitigating the effects of this headache.
Also known as Eye Migraine, the Optical Migraine affects one eye. However, the symptoms can be severe such as light flashes, blind spot, and lack of vision. They are a lesser-known kind of Migraine With Aura.
This is a generic terminology used to describe a MH. It is not an accurate way of stating the difficulty faced and you should visit a medical professional for proper diagnosis of your MH.
Menstrual Migraine can occur at the beginning, during, or at the end of menstruation. It can also occur during ovulation. Such MH causes nausea. Medications related to Serotonin and Hormonal treatments can be effective against this type.
Such migraines occur without a headache. They occur with aura. Therefore, in case of an Acephalgic Migraine, a person may experience aura but no headache. The symptoms include speech issues, numbness, and weakness.
Such migraines are associated with the hormone Oestrogen. Females can experience Hormonal Migraines during periods, ovulation, pregnancy, and perimenopause. It can also occur in case of consumption of a birth control pill.
This is not a technical term for a migraine but a term used for headaches caused because of stress. Such headaches are triggered because of excess stress and tension.
Technically, not a migraine but such headaches can cause a lot of pain. Cluster Migraine causes eye pain and nasal congestion. Such issues can be triggered by alcohol and smoking.
Again, not a type of migraine as per The International Headache Society. Headaches are termed as Vascular Migraines when there is a throbbing pain and pulsation because of a migraine.
Children can have Abdominal Migraine instead of a headache. They can experience pain in their stomach. Toddlers can experience Benign Paroxysmal Vertigo and school-going children can face Cyclic Vomiting, which means vomiting up to five times in sixty minutes.
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There isn’t a definitive cause which leads to a migraine. There can be several reasons for a migraine. Some known factors can have an impact on causing one. One such factor is the change in Serotonin levels. Here’s a list of some of the factors that can cause a migraine.
Exposure to lights that are bright
Extreme weather conditions
Lack of hydration
Fluctuations in barometric pressure
Hormonal changes
High-intensity sound
Demanding physical activity
Missing meals
Modification in the sleep cycle
Unusual smell
In the case of migraines, medical professionals often ask patients about their day or the week regarding what they ate or the activities they experienced. Journaling such instances can clarify migraine triggers.
Once the triggers are known, adequate care can be taken to prevent the headache. Also, different types of migraines might require different solutions. Reduction in stress, eating and sleeping right, avoiding excess smoking and drinking can reduce triggers. Doctors might also suggest some migraine preventive medications.
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Here’s a list of home remedies for migraine.
Apply lavender oil
Acupressure techniques
Apply peppermint oil
Have ginger
Perform Yoga
Eat magnesium-rich food
Apply slight pressure on temples
Rest in a room with dim or no light and less noise
Migraines during Pregnancy need to be handled with great care as it can harm the mother and the child. Seek professional help immediately in case of migraines during pregnancy. Hormonal shifts during pregnancy can either lessen or worsen the effects of a migraine.
One needs to pay special attention to ascertain the migraine triggers during pregnancy. Certain types of medication might be harmful during pregnancy, therefore extra care must be taken to take proper medication.
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The best way to avoid a migraine is to understand what triggers it and stay away from it. Seek professional help if Migraine Headache symptoms intensify. Here are some ways to avoid a migraine before it happens.
Stay away from bright lighting.
Don’t expose yourself to loud noises.
Watch what you eat and avoid food items that trigger headaches for you.
Maintain a headache journal and avoid triggers.
Don’t take stress.
Maintain a proper sleep cycle.
Eat a balanced diet.
Choose less-strenuous physical exercises.
Watch your medication.
Be alert with respect to hormonal changes.
Here are some frequently asked questions about migraine headaches.
Yes, changes in weather conditions can act as a trigger for MH.
MH can be hereditary. That chances are more if both parents suffer from MH.
Yes, diarrhoea can be a symptom of MH.
The crucial aspect of preventing a MH is to detect the triggers at an early stage and stay away from them.
Yes, it is possible that the flu can trigger a MH.
Yes, migraine can be termed as a neurological condition.
Yes, it is possible that massaging the scalp can reduce MH pain. However, the results might vary depending on the type and intensity of the headache along with the person’s medical history.
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Migraine: MedlinePlus Medical Encyclopedia, MedlinePlus – Health Information from the National Library of Medicine, https://medlineplus.gov/ency/article/000709.htm
Migraine Information Page | National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke, https://www.ninds.nih.gov/Disorders/All-Disorders/Migraine-Information-Page
Migraine, National Health Portal of India, https://www.nhp.gov.in/disease/neurological/migraine
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