Preventive Health Check-Up: Importance, Benefits & Tax Deductions

Research shows that preventive checkups are an effective means of reducing the financial burden of healthcare by detecting potential health issues before they become critical and require expensive treatments. Therefore, Preventive health examination is undoubtedly the key to live a healthier life. In this article, we will deep dive into how preventive health check-ups provide benefits and tax deductions.

Research shows that preventive checkups are an effective means of reducing the financial burden of healthcare by detecting potential health issues before they become critical and require expensive treatments. Therefore, Preventive health examination is undoubtedly the...
Research shows that preventive checkups are an effective means of reducing the financial...
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What is Preventive Health Check-Up?

Health is defined as a state of physical, mental and social well-being, which can be achieved through a balanced diet, physical exercise and adequate sleep and recreation. However, even after taking all the necessary steps, our health is still at risk of falling prey to diseases unexpectedly. A Preventive Health Checkup is, therefore, aimed to recognize and minimise such risk at an early stage.

Health Insurance Plan at ACKO

ACKO Standard Health Insurance Plan

This plan provides broad coverage at affordable prices. You can choose a sum insured of Rs. 10 Lakhs, Rs. 25 Lakhs, Rs. 50 Lakhs, or Rs. 1 Crore.

ACKO Platinum Health Plan

This plan offers complete coverage with a high sum insured. It includes benefits like no deductions on claims and no waiting period, making it a great option for getting the most out of your health insurance.

ACKO Platinum Super Top-up Health Plan

This plan is ideal for adding extra coverage to your existing health insurance or saving on medical expenses. After a certain deductible, you’ll enjoy benefits like no waiting period and a high sum insured.

What are the Benefits and Important Factors of Preventive Health Checkups?

Preventive Health Checkup packages offer numerous benefits, making them a valuable investment in maintaining overall well-being. To choose the right comprehensive Preventive Health Checkup package, it's essential to understand its key features. Here are some important features to consider.

  1. Valuable and reliable health education.
  2. Assessment of your probability of getting sick.
  3. Early detection of a health condition that can be potentially life-threatening.
  4. Increase chances for receiving early treatment, and sometimes cure.
  5. Regular monitoring of pre-existing health conditions and, thereby preventing the risk of complications.
  6. Results of the check-up can help in increasing longevity if you improve the lifestyle.
  7. Keep your overall healthcare cost at a minimum by avoiding costly emergency treatments.
  8. Allowing yourself to be actively involved in your preventive care.
  9. Staying up-to-date and empowered with the latest medical information and technologies.

Who Requires Preventive Medical Check-up?

Ideally, a person at age 30 and beyond should opt for Preventive Medical Check-up. It is used to screen and detect an umbrella of lifestyle diseases, of which the most important ones are:

Increased stress and lack of time for physical exercise and healthful cooking are the major contributors to developing unhealthy habits. This leads to subsequent and gradual deterioration of our general health, and before we know it, lifestyle diseases come knocking at our door. 

What’s worse is that some of these lifestyle diseases are ‘silent killers’- they harm our body without causing any symptoms. Therefore, Preventive Health Check-up can help a person timely screen these diseases. For example, retinopathy and foot ulcers are common complications of diabetes. With annual eye and foot examinations, you can prevent vision loss and lower-limb amputations. Similarly, it is crucial to control blood pressure and blood cholesterol to alleviate the risk of cardiovascular diseases.

Another important purpose of Preventive full health check-up is the surveillance of cancer. Many cancers are symptomless and not diagnosing them at an early stage can cost lives. Therefore, people at risk of developing cancer can have a better chance of recovery if they invest in regular health checkups.

List of Preventive Healthcare Packages

There are various age-specific, gender-specific and disease-specific Preventive Healthcare Packages that you can choose from.

Family Package

An entire family can enjoy the benefits of full-body check-ups, dietary, ophthalmic and dental consultations. Some hospitals also offer customised packages for men and women.

Cardiac Package

This package has been designed to identify the risk of heart attacks or strokes and other cardiovascular accidents and provide corrective consultations.

Cancer Package

For early cancer screening and future risk assessment.

Paediatric Package

Healthcare plans for children up to thirteen years are available and include a range of Pediatric, Ophthalmic, Dental, and general check-ups.

Fertility Check-up

Couples who are struggling to conceive can go for fertility check-ups and receive expert consultations.

Dental Package

Dental Packages outside the regular checkup plans are increasingly becoming popular in many hospitals and dental clinics.

List of the Tests Under Preventive Health Check-up

Here are a few tests on the preventive health checkup list usually performed to detect diseases at their onset.

An examination to identify an outward protrusion in a blood vessel wall, commonly in the brain or aorta.


A clinical method of auscultation of internal sounds of the body often with the help of a stethoscope.


A blood test to check the levels of sodium, potassium, and calcium which are important minerals in the body.


A test, usually with DEXA scan, to determine the bone strength and bone density to check for osteoporosis.


Screening that is done to identify cancer in its early stage in different organs of the body like breast, prostate, or colon.


Complete Blood Count, a blood test that provides information about the general health status of a patient and reveals many diseases, such as anemia and infection.


A chest X-ray that is taken to check for any pathology in the lungs, heart and the chest wall.


A check up by a doctor that involves a general evaluation of the body and identification of diseases.


Procedures like colonoscopy which is used to identify early signs of colon cancer.


An examination of the teeth, gums, and mouth in order to identify any problems with oral health.


An exam that uses electrical signals to diagnose heart problems.


A sequence of examinations to assess visual acuity and identify pathologies of the organ of vision.


A blood test that measures the amount of glucose in the blood, used in diagnosing diabetes and in the monitoring of the disease.


An examination of blood serum for the presence of Hepatitis C virus that is known to cause liver disease.


An HIV test, which is a test that can identify Human Immunodeficiency Virus, which is the virus that leads to Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome or AIDS.


Blood pressure check to identify hypertension, a precursor to heart disease.


Screening for diseases like Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV), Tuberculosis, and other sexually transmitted diseases.


Blood tests like BUN and creatinine to check the kidney function.


A blood test in which cholesterol and triglyceride levels are estimated to determine cardiovascular health.


A mammogram is a screening test of the breast that employs an X-ray for the early detection of breast cancer.


A procedure of cervical cancer screening that entails the collection of cells from the cervix.


Screening procedures for the detection of prostate cancer such as PSA blood tests and digital rectal examination.

Blood tests to check the thyroid gland hormones which control metabolism.


A simple test of the urine to diagnose and treat conditions like a urinary tract infection or kidney disease.


Preventive Healthcare for Various Age Groups

There are generally different preventive health checkups set for various age groups that are mentioned below:

Age GroupPreventive Health Checkup
0-10 yearsHearing test, temperature test, eye test.
AdolescenceLIPID profile test, High blood pressure test, cholesterol test, Chlamydia and Gonorrhoea test.
Adults (20 to 40)Wight check, LIPID profile test, cholesterol check, BP check,  Eye examination.
After 40 yearsBP & Cholesterol testing, Cancer screening, Dental examination, Eye examination, Bone mineral density, Lung cancer screening.
After 60 yearsBone density test, Depression screening habits, and hearing test.

Tax Deduction under Section 80D

You have a great opportunity of enjoying tax exemption of Rs. 5000 on Preventive Health Checkup under Section 80D of Income Tax Act, 1961 enacted by the Government of India.

Also, read: How To Claim Tax Benefits on Health Insurance Premiums?


What is Section 80D Preventive Health Checkup?

Under Section 80D, you can claim an overall deduction of Rs. 25,000 on the expenses of Preventive Health Checkups either for yourself, your spouse or your dependent children. You can also claim an additional deduction of up to Rs. 25,000 for insurance of your parents, aged less than 60 years. If the parents are above 60 years, the amount allowed to be deducted is Rs, 50,000, (increased from Rs. 30,000 in Budget 2018). If both the taxpayer and his/her parents are above 60 years old, the maximum available deduction is up to Rs.1 lakh.

Things to Consider While Getting a Preventive Health Check-Up:

Opting for preventive health care services regularly allows you to stay ahead of a medical issue which can be in its early stages. In many unfortunate cases, the disease is not detected until it reaches a dangerous stage and treatment may not have the desired impact. This can be avoided with regular screening.

Here is a list of things you can consider while going in for a check-up:

Most of the investigations during the checkup require you to be on an empty stomach, preferably at least 10 hours of fasting

Wear comfortable and loose clothes for easy manoeuvre

For imaging tests such as CT, X-Ray and Bone Densitometry, avoid wearing accessories, or any metallic objects.

Inform your doctor of any pacemaker or denture beforehand

Be sure to commit to regular checkups with as much of healthy lifestyle modification as possible.

How is ACKO Annual Preventive Medical Check-up Beneficial For Policyholders?

Preventive Health Checkups are extremely important in reinforcing healthy lifestyle changes and motivating yourself and your family members. With ACKO's health insurance, you will get an option to get a complete medical examination by a medical practitioner under Preventive Health Check-up. 

The comprehensive expert guidance provided during a health checkup can go a long way in supporting your well-being at any age, along with giving you the chance to receive treatments at a more favourable stage.

The following tests are included in ACKO Health Insurance Preventive Check-up:

Fasting Blood Sugar (FBS) 

Serum Gamma-Glutamyl Transferase (GGT)

Complete Blood Count (CBC)

Electrocardiogram (ECG)

Serum Total Cholesterol (T Chol)

Erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR) 

Serum Creatinine

Serum Triglyceride (S. Trig)

Does Your Health Insurance Cover Preventive Health Checkups?

The cost of preventive health checkup for lifestyle diseases, cardiac diseases, cancer etc. has been on the rise. It becomes a very heavy foot to bill, hence it is important to have coverage for these preventive screenings. Some insurance policies do offer coverage for preventive health checkups. Make sure to choose a policy that covers the cost of preventive checkup as well. 

A preventive body check-up helps in the early detection of diseases. As the age old saying goes, prevention is better than cure. Preventive health screenings nip the issues in the bud and reduce the risk of diseases. Early detections also help in making lifestyle changes to aid a healthy life.

As a basic health check-up helps in the early detection of diseases, it makes it easy for the patients to get treated without hospitalisation in most cases. This helps both the insurer and the customer, the insurer doesn’t have to worry about claim settlement and the customer gets the benefit of No-Claim Bonus/No-claim discount. 

A preventive health check is a mirror of the lifestyle! It shows how one can enhance their quality of life and keep health issues at bay. It also acts as a guide to make small changes to keep lifestyle diseases like diabetes under control. It gives the person a feeling of empowerment as they can take control of things to stay fit and healthy.

Key Takeaway

Preventive general health checkup is an early detection tool which helps you keep updated with the changes that your body undergoes as you age. While sometimes a person can show signs and symptoms of a disease, in most cases, they go undetected without regular check-ups. Early detection is one of the major preventive health checkup benefits in terms of a person's health, while things like tax benefits can make it to the list of added advantages. Thus, one should opt for a Preventive Health Checkup

Also, read: Health Insurance Plan for Women

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Here are some answers to the most asked questions related to Preventive Health Check-Up.

The cost of a comprehensive preventive medical check-up package can range from Rs. 1000 to 12999 depending upon the type and number of tests and screenings included.

Preventive health checkup limit could refer to the number of tests performed or the cost of getting these tests done. These limits are set by each insurance company as per their terms and conditions.

No, as per law it is not necessary to buy health insurance to avail preventive health check-up or claim tax benefit for the same. However, buying adequate health insurance coverage can save a lot of money in case of a medical issue. You can claim for the expenses of hospitalisation, ambulance charges, small procedures like tonsilitis, etc. And this coverage can also extend to your family members with the right plan.

Individuals who are 30 years of age or older are recommended to begin exploring the option of preventative check-ups. These check-ups are designed to assess your physical well-being, with the goal of detecting a range of illnesses, including diabetes, heart disease or cardiac issues, obesity, and hypertension.

Hemogram is the complete analysis of blood and yes it is usually included under preventive health check-up as some blood-related diseases can be prevented with regular screening.

A preventive health check-up is a series of tests that are run on a person at regular intervals of time to detect potential diseases at an early stage.

Preventive health check-ups are important because many diseases may not show symptoms in its initial stages. They may appear at a later stage when the chances of curing the disease are reduced. Through regular screening, one can keep a lookout for any medical issues and detect a possible ailment well in advance when treatment proves to work better and the chances of survival increase.

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Written by Roocha Kanande

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Reviewed by Rupinderjit Author info Icon

I find the world of policies and premiums absolutely fascinating! Join me as I unravel health insurance with a dash of creativity and a fresh perspective.

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