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Baby Bath Station

Team AckoFeb 8, 2024

What better than water based activities for your kid in summer! This pretend play water activity is a fun way for him to learn as he plays. The activity might get messy and there might be water all around by the time your child is done with it. So play this in the garden, a terrace or a sit out area where you wouldn’t mind water spills. This is a great activity for a group of kids as well.



    Requisites: A broad basin or a tray, few hard dolls that can be immersed in water, soap liquid, old toothbrushes, washcloths, dry towel, squirt bottles and spray bottles.


    1. Set a table for a bath station.

    2. Lay a basin or a large tray on the table and fill it with water a little below the rim.

    3. Squirt the bubble solution and create a bubble bath for dolls.

    4. Take out the old toothbrush and wash them well in hot water before you hand them over to your kid for play.

    5. Let your kid give the dolls a bath.

    6. Ask him to brush the doll’s teeth

    7. Let him use the washcloth, squirt bottle and spray bottle. 

    8. Leave a small piece of soap as well and let it be a free play.

    9. Let his imaginations flow and watch as he turns the bath station into a fun activity.

    Your kid and water are almost inseparable, you might even catch him splashing water on you and making the whole area wet. You can even carry out this activity when you give your kid a bath. While you bathe him, allow him to bathe his dolls. This would make bath time interesting.

    Disclaimer: This content is for informational purposes only, based on industry experience and secondary sources. It is not a substitute for professional advice. Please consult a qualified expert for health or insurance-related decisions. Content is subject to change, refer to current policy wordings for specific ACKO details.



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