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Egg Carton Bus!

Team AckoFeb 8, 2024

Make a bus out of an egg carton that your child can use to transport his toys around the house and garden. This craft activity triggers your sweetie pie's learning skills and would also help in developing gross motor skills of your child.



    Requisites: Egg carton, 6 milk carton tops, tape or glue, paint, paintbrush


    1) Paint the egg carton whatever colour your child wishes, including the inside egg pockets and leave to dry. 

    2) Next, paint on some square-shaped windows on the side of the carton in another colour.

    3) Paint the milk bottle tops black and leave them to dry.Using glue or double-sided tape, get your child to attach the bottle tops to the side of the egg carton.These will be the bus wheels.

    4) This bus doubles as a container that your child can put small toys into, close the lid and take them for a ride.

    5) To make wheels that move, pierce the plastic lids with a nail and hammer, then pierce evenly-spaced holes along the base of the egg carton bus. 

    6) Push a long split pin through the hole in the plastic lid and through the hole in the side of the bus, repeat this until all of the wheels are in place. The split pins will allow the wheels to rotate.

    This craft activity will help your sweetie pie to learn the colours and help him to learn the importance of buses.

    Disclaimer: This content is for informational purposes only, based on industry experience and secondary sources. It is not a substitute for professional advice. Please consult a qualified expert for health or insurance-related decisions. Content is subject to change, refer to current policy wordings for specific ACKO details.



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