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Living And Non-Living Things

Team AckoFeb 8, 2024

At this age, your kid should be taught about living and non-living objects but this should be carried out in a planned manner. You have to grab your child’s attention while imparting this important lesson.



    Requisites: A plant, ball, insect and bottle.


    1. Make your child understand that living objects breathe while non-living objects do not. Living objects have a life and they die after some years but non-living objects have no life.

    2. Compare a plant and an insect are living as they also show growth with time. While a ball and a plastic bottle are just the same as they are moulded.

    3. You can take your child for an outing and offer more examples from the surroundings.

    Ask your kid to note down the name of the things which he thinks are living and non-living based on his understanding.

    Disclaimer: This content is for informational purposes only, based on industry experience and secondary sources. It is not a substitute for professional advice. Please consult a qualified expert for health or insurance-related decisions. Content is subject to change, refer to current policy wordings for specific ACKO details.



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