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Look! Germs Are Sparkling!

Team AckoFeb 8, 2024

Does your child resist to wash his hands regularly? If yes, then this activity is definitely for your kiddo. This activity also helps your sweetie pie to develop his  hygiene and motor skills.



    Requisites: Golden color craft glitter


    1. Sprinkle a bit of golden glitter on your kiddo’s hands.

    2. Now tell your sweetheart that these glitter granules are just like germs on his hands and that these germs can make him fall sick. 

    3. Tell your kiddo that the germs are also very small like glitter granules and stick to his hands as he touches different things, surfaces or shake his hands with someone else.

    4. Explain to him that how germs spread from person to person or from different surfaces to him.

    5. Now show him that by thoroughly washing his hands, he can get rid of these germs easily.

    This is a great way to make your kiddo understand that there are things present which he can’t even see. One good example of it are germs. This activity can also act as a motivation to your kiddo who generally is lazy to wash his hands.

    Disclaimer: This content is for informational purposes only, based on industry experience and secondary sources. It is not a substitute for professional advice. Please consult a qualified expert for health or insurance-related decisions. Content is subject to change, refer to current policy wordings for specific ACKO details.



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