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Home / Health Insurance / Articles / Child / Child Development / MATHEMATICS Time-- The FUN Way!


Team AckoFeb 8, 2024


    Given below is a math activity that will make your little one learn numbers and understand the application of counting in real life. It involves children into counting and improves their motor skills as well.
    Requisites: Pom poms or gems or any other such small balls of four kinds of colors (small enough to go into bottles), Four bottles of 1 litre size (soft drink bottles of this size of bigger would be perfect), Marker Pen (Erasable), Glue, Strips of colored papers (color should be same as the pom pom colors).
    1. Put the pom poms in a bowl
    2. Take four bottles and remove their caps
    3. Stick the color paper strips on the bottle – one strip on one bottle.
    4. Use an erasable marker to write a number on each bottle.
    5. The children will have to put as many number of pom poms as the number written on the bottle. The red pom poms would go in the bottle with the red strip, blue pom poms in blue stripped bottle and so on.
    6. For the next round, erase the numbers and give a new number on each bottle to play.
    This game enhances your child’s interest in math and improves her fine motor skills. It is an easy to play game which your child will not get enough of!

    Disclaimer: This content is for informational purposes only, based on industry experience and secondary sources. It is not a substitute for professional advice. Please consult a qualified expert for health or insurance-related decisions. Content is subject to change, refer to current policy wordings for specific ACKO details.



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