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Spruce Up Your Old T-Shirt!

Team AckoFeb 8, 2024

Is your daughter bored of wearing her plain old T-shirts? Then this activity is perfect for your daughter and you! This fun-filled activity not only helps you spend quality time with her but also brings in a style quotient by transforming her plain T-shirts into beautiful and stylish outfits! The best part is, this is just so simple! 



    Requisites: A plain light coloured T-shirt, different colours of fabric paint, palette, capsicum


    1. Pick a sturdy capsicum and cut thick rings out of it. Make sure all the seeds are out. Also, note that it may be a problem if your child makes contact with her eyes after touching the capsicum. So make sure she doesn't touch her eyes before washing her hands. 

    2. Pour out some fabric paint onto a palette. Make sure there is enough paint to smear the entire capsicum ring in one go. 

    3. Lay out the T-shirt on a flat surface. Make sure there are no wrinkles. You can press the T-shirt to avoid any wrinkles beforehand.

    4. Dip the capsicum ring in the coloured fabric paint. Rub off the excess paint onto a waste paper so you don't spill any extra paint onto the T-shirt.

    5. Place the dipped capsicum ring onto the T-shirt, very gently. This creates beautiful prints on the T-shirt.

    6. Use different combinations of colours to create bolder prints.

    7. Allow for the paint to dry in sunlight for about 6 hours.

    Your new T-shirt is ready! This activity is not only fun and engaging but also is an excellent way of perfecting eye-hand coordination. It also imparts the concept of re-use and recycle to your child.

    Note: You can also try using vegetables like ladies finger, bottle gourd, etc., to create different patterns. You can also make use of other objects to create a collage on the T-shirt.

    Disclaimer: This content is for informational purposes only, based on industry experience and secondary sources. It is not a substitute for professional advice. Please consult a qualified expert for health or insurance-related decisions. Content is subject to change, refer to current policy wordings for specific ACKO details.



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