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Teeny Tiny Cotton Ball Dolls

Team AckoFeb 8, 2024

Is your child bored with his toys and is demanding for more every day? You can plan and indulge your child in this activity of making his own toy doll using soft cotton balls. This can be done anytime as all the materials are readily available at home. This will improve your child's eye-hand coordination and creativity. 



    Requisites: Fluffy cotton balls, egg cartons, colour paper- yellow (for the beak), googly eyes, liquid craft glue, paintbrush, acrylic paint- red colour, a pair of safety scissors


    1. Cut out an egg holder from the egg carton using safety scissors. It is better if you perform this step for your child.

    2. Ask your child to paint the egg holder with red acrylic paint and let it dry for a while.

    3. Put a small amount of liquid craft glue into the painted egg holder and stick a fluffy cotton ball in the egg holder. This will be the body of the doll.

    4. Take a smaller fluffy cotton ball and stick it on top of the bigger cotton ball. This will be the head of the doll. Have your child use a paintbrush to work with glue as it can be a hassle.

    5. Stick on the googly eyes onto the smaller cotton ball.

    6. Cut out a triangle from the yellow colour paper. Fold it to create a nose and stick it onto the head.

    This activity sparks up your child’s creativity and enhances his eye-hand coordination. This activity is a great boredom buster.

    Note: You can also create a cone hat for your little baby doll in the same manner and the nose if you wish to.

    Disclaimer: This content is for informational purposes only, based on industry experience and secondary sources. It is not a substitute for professional advice. Please consult a qualified expert for health or insurance-related decisions. Content is subject to change, refer to current policy wordings for specific ACKO details.



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