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Vinegar and Baking Soda Balloon

Team AckoFeb 8, 2024

Your child at the age group of 4 or 5 is very curious to get familiar with science activities. You as a parent can make them learn fun tasks which can be performed at home.



    Requisites: Vinegar, baking soda, a plastic vessel and a balloon. 


    1. Wash the plastic vessel.

    2. Pour vinegar into the bottle and let it settle.

    3. Now make sure your child observes your actions. Add half a tablespoon of baking soda and quickly cover the opening of the vessel with the balloon.

    4. Wait for few seconds and observe how the balloon inflates.

    Make your child understand that the reaction between vinegar and baking soda created gases which filled the balloon. Ask your child to practice this task on his own to get a better understanding.

    Note: Make sure this activity happens under your supervision.

    Disclaimer: This content is for informational purposes only, based on industry experience and secondary sources. It is not a substitute for professional advice. Please consult a qualified expert for health or insurance-related decisions. Content is subject to change, refer to current policy wordings for specific ACKO details.



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