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Yarn Family Portraits

Team AckoFeb 8, 2024

This activity is super engaging and fun-filled to keep your child occupied for a good amount of time! It can turn any doodle into a much more artsy piece! So now, you will have a masterpiece to go up on your fridge! Show off this quirky spin on a family portrait doodle made by your little champ.



    Requisites: A thick sheet of paper, pencil, colour pencils, colour paper, glue, punching machine, 4 to 5 colours of yarn, a pair of safety scissors


    1. Ask your champ to draw a picture of the family on a thick sheet of paper using a pencil.

    2. Ask him to colour the picture with the colours of his choice.

    3. Now, punch holes in the head area, so that pieces of yarn can be pulled through to create hair.

    4. Take at least 4 to 5 different colours of yarn and make finger sized pieces.

    5. Demonstrate how to pull the piece of yarn through the punched hole so that your child repeats after you.

    6. Tie a knot after the yarn is pulled halfway through the punched hole in order to secure it. 

    7. Cut out four strips of thin rectangles from the coloured paper to make a picture frame for the portrait. 

    8. Stick each piece of cut-out onto the thick sheet of paper on which the portrait has been made using a strong glue.

    Your fun yarn family portrait is ready to be displayed as a piece of art on your fridge! This activity keeps your child occupied for a good amount of time. This activity makes your child’s eye-hand coordination very strong!

    Disclaimer: This content is for informational purposes only, based on industry experience and secondary sources. It is not a substitute for professional advice. Please consult a qualified expert for health or insurance-related decisions. Content is subject to change, refer to current policy wordings for specific ACKO details.



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