Home / Health Insurance / Articles / Health Tips / Child Health / 12 symptoms in your kid you should never ignore
Team AckoFeb 20, 2025
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At the point when kids encounter abnormal manifestations, they are frequently ordinary and not a reason for concern. Be that as it may, a few signs point to a bigger issue. For some additional assistance, there are few things that are imperative to be added to your parental radar.
Following are a few symptoms you should never ignore in your child:
1. An absence of reaction to loud sounds
Infants and children can't let you know whether they're not hearing effectively. They additionally don't react to each noise the way we would anticipate. Many, yet not all, require hearing screenings. On the off chance that you see that your little one isn't bothered by or doesn't react to loud sounds, make a meeting with your pediatrician to check for hearing issues.
2. Hearing loss
As youngsters grow and are acquainted with individual music gadgets, loud stereos, computer games, TV, and even loud city lanes, their listening ability might be in danger. Help guard commotion at levels. When they are tuning in with earphones, never set the sound above half volume; the same goes for TVs, computer games, and motion pictures. Avoid spending time around loud noises as much as possible.
3. Trouble in focusing
Once again, babies can't disclose to you that their vision is hazy or inform you as to whether they can't focus their eyes. It remains the same for younger children as well. Be that as it may, there are ways you can tell. On the off chance that your child never appears to focus around items or experiences serious difficulties discovering close objects like your face or hand, let your pediatrician know. Look for signs in school-age youngsters like squinting, trouble perusing, or sitting excessively near the TV. In the event that your youngster isn't performing admirably in class, make a point to inquire as to whether they can see the writing on the board. Numerous youngsters are named "poor in studies" or "troublesome," or are even determined to have ADHD when truly they simply have unidentified poor vision.
Grandma’s Tip: Consistent eye rubbing is another indication of potential vision issues. This is one of the major symptoms you should never ignore in your child. Take the little one to the doctor right away if you see this happening too frequently!
4. High fever and serious migraine
Children regularly run a fever because of diseases like stomach infections, 24-hour bugs, and minor infections. At the point when a high fever is joined by a headache so extreme that your child experiences considerable difficulties keeping his eyes open, it is an indication of a more concerning issue. See your pediatrician to rule out meningitis immediately. If diagnosed early, treatment can avert serious complications.
5. Stomach torment
Stomach aches are typical for a few children. This is particularly as they work through new eating methodologies, an attempt at a new type of food, or have the frequent junk food overload. There might be a more concerning issue if you see an additional level of distress in your youngster. For example:
-Stomach torment in the lower right side
-Heaving loose bowels
-Stomach delicacy when contacted
This could be an infected appendix. The key distinction amongst a ruptured appendix and a stomach bug is that in an infected appendix, the stomach torment increases after some time. Don’t take a persistent stomach ache lightly; this is one symptom in your child that you should never ignore.
6. Extraordinary exhaustion
In the event that your little one demonstrates indications of exhaustion or doesn't appear to have the vitality they typically do, there might be an issue. There are a few reasons for extreme weakness. Try not to markdown these complaints as symptoms of late evenings or growth. Your specialist will research a scope of potential outcomes, including iron deficiency, malabsorption, migraines, and despondency. It's vital to get it checked.
7. Breathing inconveniences
A symptom you should never ignore in your child is breathing issues. Indications incorporate inconvenience breathing when playing or working out, a squeaky sound while breathing out, shortness of breath, or trouble recouping from a respiratory disease. Treatment doesn't cure asthma; however, it helps limit manifestations or stops asthma attacks when they happen. On the off chance that you see your kid is having breathing issues, converse with your pediatrician immediately.
8. Weight reduction
Unexplained weight reduction is unsettling. Slight changes are typical. Emotional and generally unintended weight reduction could be an indication of an issue. It's vital to see your little one’s pediatrician and let them know about the weight reduction issue at the earliest opportunity.
9. Extraordinary thirst
Hours spent running and playing amusements call for satisfactory hydration. Extraordinary thirst is something else inside and out. In case you see your child having a voracious need to drink water or driven to the point where their thirst is unquenched, see a specialist and get some information about diabetes. An overabundance of thirst is only one symptom. Others incorporate expanded pee, outrageous craving, weight reduction, and exhaustion. Never ignore this symptom in your child and speak to a specialist immediately. There are numerous reasons your child should go to the specialist all through their developing years. While specialist's visits are typically standard, some are definitely not. When you and your child know about conceivably genuine symptoms, diseases can be diagnosed early and treated before difficulties emerge.
10. Tenacious headaches
Headaches in children can be a dubious deal since young children may not be able to express how excruciating it is. At times, kids won't even understand they are having a headache. Majorly, over-the-counter headache meds are available for managing minor headaches. Combined with rest or a nap for a couple of hours, the headache should leave.
However, if a headache continues for a considerable length of time, regardless of giving prescription and rest or if the torment is intense to the point that the kid can't get up, play, eat or watch TV; connect with your specialist. Likewise, if the agony is causing neurological issues like the kid can't open their eyes, their vision is obscured, they are befuddled, experiencing difficulty strolling or if a migraine is with fever, hurry to the emergency room to preclude meningitis or some other neurological issue.
11. Major rash
Kids frequently get rashes on their arms and feet, since they invest so much energy playing outside. These rashes could be because of scratches or responses from infection or hypersensitivity. In the event that you notice the red rash has blanched or turned white, you let it go. These rashes are by and large safe and show up in one part of the body. However, if you see rashes that are covering the child's whole body, you may need to consult with the specialist. In case the rashes don't change color and are joined by fever, it could demonstrate a medical condition. Likewise, if you see hives on the skin, with a lip or facial swelling, take your little one to the specialist. If the child has labored breathing or has issues breathing alongside the other symptoms, call emergency services as this could be an anaphylactic response.
12. Firm neck
While firm neck is a well-known indication of meningitis, children having a stiff neck does not really imply that they have it. However, never ignore a firm neck like symptom in your child. A stiff neck implies your little one can’t touch the skin to the chest. To test for a stiff neck, lay your kid down. Lift his head until the point that his chin contacts the chest. In case he battles you while you do this, put a toy or coin on the midsection. This influences him to need to look down to see it. Older children can basically be requested to take a gander at their belly button. It is regularly caused by improper positions amid sleep. Individuals are not aware of their body positions while resting and may sometimes turn and wind their neck in a way that makes it stiff. Regardless of whether a stiff neck is joined by fever, it could undoubtedly be an indication of tonsil aggravation or swollen lymph node. Don't promptly jump to the conclusion of meningitis. For meningitis, there are various indications that happen alongside stiff neck; this incorporates fever, light sensitivity, headaches, vomiting, and torpidity.
In case your kid shows at least two indications at once, you ought to promptly get medical attention. It is normal for guardians to be overprotective of their children and feel on edge about their prosperity. Be that as it may, most of the time, things are not so awful. Assuming nonetheless, your gut or sense reveals to you that something isn't right and that your little one needs prompt medical consideration, dependably hear it out and race to the doctor's facility. Customarily, a parent's gut feeling about their kids is usually right and can help in keeping the kids away from any harm.
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Disclaimer: This content is for informational purposes only, based on industry experience and secondary sources. It is not a substitute for professional advice. Please consult a qualified expert for health or insurance-related decisions. Content is subject to change, refer to current policy wordings for specific ACKO details.
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