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Team AckoFeb 21, 2025
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Finally, the time has come when you have to prepare your kiddo for school. Yes, it can be a difficult time for your child because every child is hesitant to go to a new place and see people he has not met before. It would be easy for your child if you can start providing the kinds of experiences that will help him to settle well in school. This is known as School Readiness.
It refers to the academic knowledge, independence, communication, and social skills children need to do well in school. Here are some tips to prepare your child for this new venture of his life called SCHOOL:
1. Let your child know what his schedule will be like
Tell him what time school begins and ends each day. Buy some books on what to expect at primary school. Get your child used to going to bed early and waking up earlier. Let him prepare in advance his routine of the day after coming from school. When he should be doing his homework and if there will be any restrictions on TV time or play time in the evenings: All these aspects should be clear in his head.
Try to start following this routine about one month before school begins. Encourage your child to share any concerns that he might have and address them together. Set up the routine, which you will be following during the school week.
2. Let your child positively be a part of the orientation programme
Most schools will hold an orientation session before the classes begin. Bring your child to this event because this is a great time to check the places that are really important to your child and his settling in process. This includes the toilets, the canteen area, the self-registration area, playground, etc. You may be excited to see the art studio or other fancy spots in and around, but your child needs reassurance about the more basic areas of the school, which would mainly be his classroom, the corridors, and the play arena.
Grandma’s Tip: One more reason you should never miss the orientation programme is that this is an event where your child would get to meet his near-future classmates. You would also get to see them and their parents. This is important because your child will spend maximum time with these kids and thus, you knowing about them and their families become essential. Don’t forget to exchange phone numbers with some of the parents so that in case of any need, you can contact them and vice versa, given your wards would be studying together.
3. Let your child meet the teacher beforehand
Lots of schools now offer a home-visit to allow the teacher to see the child in their own home setting, which is fantastic. Certainly, accept this chance if this is offered to you. They are not coming to check out your home, they want to get to know your child in a more relaxed environment.
4. Point out the positive aspects of starting school
Let your child know that schooling will be fun and he can make new friends. You should make it a point to tell him that all kids are nervous about the first day of school. Model and discuss positive ways for your child to express his feelings. Discourage hitting, biting, screaming, and other negative behaviors.
5. Go shopping
Use your free time to go shopping with your child to buy uniform and essential items for starting school. This would include a school bag, water bottle, lunch box, new shoes, and stationery. This will arouse his excitement too. Make sure that you get everything he needs before the first day of school.
6. Get him excited about ‘recess’
Recess is one of the most confusing and exciting times for your child. The rush of students to the canteen, the choices he would need to make, and the need to manage money all within the 30 to 45 minute time allowed for recess are usually quite stressful initially. But tell him that recess is a small break from studies at school and is meant for him to relax and enjoy. Leave a note in your child's lunchbox that will remind him you are thinking of him while he is at school.
7. Let him know that you’re always there for him
Reassure your child that if any problems arise at school, you will be there to help and resolve them. Assume all the situations, which your child might encounter at school, which act as a hindrance to his safety. You should talk with him in advance about fire safety procedures, the dangers of leaving the school grounds unattended, and road safety issues as well.
8. Make room for some socialization before school starts
Try to have your child meet a classmate before the first day of school so he will already have a friend when school starts. For kids, going to a new school generally means saying goodbye to old friends and making new ones. Talk to your child about what he can do to make new friends. Reassure him that he will still be able to see his pre-school friends.
9. Indulge your child in some co-curricular activities
Find out about after-school activities that your child can join. Will there be a back-to-school party? Can she join a sports team?
10. Teach him some important basics before school starts
As with toileting, children will need to be able to care for their school things. Make your kiddo practice packing and unpacking the backpack he will be using for school. You can paste or hang or write something unique on his bag so that he can easily identify his bag in the school. Practice eating recess and lunch foods out of his school lunch box (use a lunch box that’s easy to open and close), letting him open any packaging that will be used for food at school.
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Disclaimer: This content is for informational purposes only, based on industry experience and secondary sources. It is not a substitute for professional advice. Please consult a qualified expert for health or insurance-related decisions. Content is subject to change, refer to current policy wordings for specific ACKO details.
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