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How to Avoid Temper Tantrums In Toddlers: A Complete Guide

Team AckoFeb 21, 2025

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Temper tantrums in toddlers is an outburst of anger, especially a childish display of rage or bad behavior. Every single temper tantrum of your toddler results from one simple thing that is, not getting what he wants. Treat temper tantrums in toddlers as opportunities for education. The average temper tantrum lasts for about 3 minutes. Your kid can transition from sad to happy and from angry to calm incredibly easily. So enjoy that post-freak-out cuddle, and gird yourself for the next round.



Temper tantrums in toddlers: Why do they have it?

Temper tantrums in toddlers may occur when your child is tired, hungry or uncomfortable; or because he can’t get to do things he wants to do. Some kids may have tantrums often, and others may have them rarely. Temper tantrums in toddlers are a normal part of your child’s development. These tantrums are the way by which your child shows you that he is not happy or is frustrated. When your child’s language skills are developing, you may expect this phase - full of tantrums as he can’t express yet what he wants and feels. As language skills improve, tantrums tend to diminish.

How to avoid temper tantrums in toddlers?

During the kicking and screaming chaos of the moment, temper tantrums in toddlers may become frustrating at times. But you may be able to stop it early by distracting your child or encourage your child to take a break from a frustrating activity. Dealing with tantrums may be unpleasant and most children stop having tantrums by age 4 or 5 years when they learn healthy ways to handle strong emotions. Here are some ways to handle temper tantrums in toddlers:

Give your baby time and attention

Set aside regular playtime with your little one. Reward your child with praise and attention for positive behavior. Look for opportunities to point out his good behaviors, even the small ones.

Distract your child

A young child’s attention is easy to divert. Take advantage of your little one’s short attention span by offering something else in place of what he can’t have. Start a new activity to replace the forbidden one. Or simply change the environment. When your child’s face starts to crinkle, take him outside or inside or move into a different room or offer him to go on a walk to the park before it can escalate into a full-blown temper tantrum. Sometimes, humor is the best way to distract. Make a funny face or tell a joke to get your child’s mind off, of what’s upsetting him.

Give your child a little bit of control

Try to give your toddler some control over little things. Let him choose the menu for dinner for himself or which toy to bring in the car. These little choices won’t make much of a difference to you, but they will make your kiddo feel as though he has at least some control over his own life.

Teach your kiddo 

It would be helpful for you and your child if you can teach him other ways of dealing with frustration. If he is old enough to talk then remind him patiently to use his words instead of screaming. Don’t underestimate his ability to understand what you are saying.

Softly handle him

Keep your cool when responding to a tantrum. Don’t complicate the problem with your own frustration or anger. Remind yourself that your job is to help your child so you need to be calm and patient. Your kid will end up matching your volume because, ultimately, he wants to engage with you. The louder he yells, the softer you should speak. Avoid situations in which tantrums are likely to occur. Make sure your child is well rested and fed before you go out so he does not blow up at the slightest provocation.

Give your child some space

Sometimes your toddler just needs to get his anger out, so let him do that. Make sure there is nothing in the tantrum’s way that could hurt him. Your kid will learn how to vent in a non-destructive way. He will be able to get his feelings out and regain self-control – without engaging in a yelling battle with you.

Give a firm big hug

The simple and powerful way to settle down tantrum is to give a big hug to your kiddo. Hugs make kids feel secure and let them know you care about them, even if you don’t agree with the behavior. Sometimes your child just needs a safe place to get his emotions out. Cuddle with him and make him believe that you love your prince, the most.

When to call the doctor for temper tantrums in toddlers?

Talk to your doctor if:

1. The temper tantrums become more frequent, intense or last longer.

2. Your child often hurts himself or others during the tantrums.

3. The tantrums cause a lot of bad feelings between you and your little one.

Remember, temper tantrums in toddlers are not the cause for concern and usually stops on its own.

Prioritising Your Child’s Financial Well-being

Being a parent is both a joyous and transformative experience. In addition to prioritising your child's physical well-being, it's equally important to focus on securing their financial future. A term insurance plan can provide financial protection and ensure that your loved ones are secure in case of an unforeseen event. 

Your child’s education and lifestyle can be secured with options like a 1 crore term life insurance. Easy selection of the most suitable plan for your family's needs is made possible by tools like a term insurance calculator India.

If you are considering purchasing, exploring multiple life insurance plans from different insurers is critical to finding the right plan and coverage that meets your long-term goals. Remember, by fostering trust at home and planning wisely, you create a stable and secure environment for your child to flourish.


Disclaimer: This content is for informational purposes only, based on industry experience and secondary sources. It is not a substitute for professional advice. Please consult a qualified expert for health or insurance-related decisions. Content is subject to change, refer to current policy wordings for specific ACKO details.



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