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Doctor visits every week: What you should know about GBS Test (Group B Streptococccus Test)

Team AckoFeb 8, 2024

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At week 35, your doctor will measure your weight and also check your blood pressure. You need to give a urine sample to check for any kind of infection or diabetes. Your belly will be measured to check the baby’s growth, your cervix will be checked for dilation that will give an idea to the doctor when the baby will arrive. Fetal heart rate will be measured and ultrasound will also take place to confirm the baby’s position. There will be certain tests as well to ensure your good health, like Group B Streptococcus screening and STI tests. The group B bacteria is present commonly in our bladder, vagina, throat, rectum and bowel.



    This can cause fatal infections in the newborn babies so you will be tested for this bacteria during week 35-36 of your pregnancy. The doctor will swab your vagina and rectum and then this swab will be examined for the bacteria. In case the tests are positive, antibiotics are given before delivery to save your baby from this bacteria.

    Non-stress test is also done wherein women who are at high risk pregnancy due to diabetes, high blood pressure, or carrying twins are tested for normal fetal heart rate where the fetal monitor is strapped across the mother’s abdomen to measure the heartbeat of the baby. Contraction Stress test is also done in high risk pregnancy where fetal monitor measures the baby’s heart rate with response to the contractions stimulated by oxytocin or nipple stimulation. This will predict how well the baby will cope with the stress of labor at the time of delivery.


    Disclaimer: This content is for informational purposes only, based on industry experience and secondary sources. It is not a substitute for professional advice. Please consult a qualified expert for health or insurance-related decisions. Content is subject to change, refer to current policy wordings for specific ACKO details.




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