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IRDA Claim Settlement Ratio

TeamAckoJul 14, 2024

Buying a life insurance policy is crucial as you can secure your family's financial future with it. This is why it's vital to choose your policy and the insurance company offering it wisely. One criteria for making such a choice is the IRDAI Claim Settlement Ratio (CSR). In this article, we help you understand IRDAI Claim Settlement Ratio in life insurance





What is the IRDAI? 

The IRDAI is the Indian insurance industry's governing body that issues licences to insurance companies, checks their policies and premiums against benchmarks, and settles disputes that policyholders and insurance companies may have. 

The IRDAI sets down the rules and regulations for the Indian insurance industry. These regulations streamline the industry's growth and safeguard policyholders' interests. Thanks to IRDAI, insurance is made affordable and available to all Indian citizens.

What is a Claims Settlement Ratio in life insurance? 

A life insurance Claims Settlement Ratio measures how many claim applications an insurance company settled against the total number of claims they received in a year. The resulting ratio is the percentage of claims that an insurance company settled in that year.

If an insurer has a high IRDAI Claim Settlement Ratio, it means that they have a higher capability to settle claims, and indicates their efficiency in handling and processing claims. In addition, a high CSR establishes that the insurance company can deliver on their promises to fulfil claims settlements smoothly.

When a policyholder chooses a Life Insurance Policy, they can base their choice on an IRDAI Claim Settlement Ratio. However, selecting an insurance company only according to it is not recommended as CSR is not the only important selection criteria. Potential policyholders should also research the insurance company's product offerings, customer service, social media handles, etc., among other criteria.

How to calculate Claim Settlement Ratio in life insurance 

You can look at the insurer’s CSR to determine if the insurance company you are looking at is the right one for their family. Here’s how to calculate CSR.

If an insurance company settles 9,000 claims out of 10,000, the Claim Settlement Ratio is calculated by dividing claims settled against the total number of claims received.

Claims Settled divided (÷) by Total Claims Received Times (×) 100 = CSR 

9,000 ÷ 10,000 = 0.9X

0.9 × 100 =  90%

In this case, CSR is 90.

How does claims settlement work? 

Claims settlements are executed in a structured process that insurance companies adhere to. Most insurance companies carry out claims settlements according to the following steps.

1. Reporting the claim

claim settlement process is initiated when the claim is reported to the respective insurance company. Reporting a claim can be done online, over the phone, by visiting the insurance company's office, or other methods the insurance company specifies.

2. Submitting the necessary documents The person who reports a claim should furnish the insurance company with the documents they require in order to substantiate and verify the claim. Although the type of documents needed will vary by insurance company, policy, nature of the claim, and death of the policyholder, most insurance companies require similar sets of documents. 

3. Assessment of claim After the required documents have been submitted by the beneficiary or claimant, the insurance company will begin to assess the claim and its legitimacy. The insurance company may appoint an assessor to investigate the claim in order to verify the details. This process is crucial in ascertaining the relationship between the claimant and policyholder, and if they are the beneficiary that the policyholder has stated in their life insurance policy document. 

4. Claim decision After the insurance company's assessor assesses the claim settlement application and verifies it, the insurance company will decide if they should accept or reject the claim. In case the details furnished were wrong, or if the beneficiary is not who the policyholder stated, then the claim will be rejected.

On the other hand, if the beneficiary is the correct one, and all documentation is in place, then the claim is accepted. The insurance company will start the payment of the settlement amount based on the terms and conditions of the life insurance policy.

5. SettlementAfter the claimant agrees to the settlement amount proposed by the insurance company, the insurance company will process the payment for the beneficiary. The claim settlement payment may be paid out via cheque, bank transfer, or electronic payment.

Claims settlements take days to weeks to process and do not happen overnight. According to the policyholder's death and circumstances surrounding it, and any challenges surrounding the policy, or issues in documentation, the process could extend further. Claimants must ensure they bring the necessary documents to finish the process quicker, and smoothly.

Which documents do I need for claim settlement?

The person who applies for a claim will need to submit a set of necessary documents to the insurance company. These documents and types can vary by insurance company, policy, and cause of the policyholder's death. Generally, the following are the most common types of documents needed to settle a life insurance claim. 

Death certificate: The death certificate establishes the date, time, and cause of the policyholder's death. This is the most crucial document in settling a claim. 

Policy documents: The life insurance policy documents state the terms & conditions and criteria, including the policy application, details of the policy, and any riders or endorsements the policyholder may have bought. 

Identification documents: To establish the relationship between the claimant (usually the beneficiary) and the policyholder, identification documents including Driver's Licences, Aadhaar card, or passport may be furnished.

Proof of insurability: Proof of Insurability documents can include medical records, lab reports, and medical documents to establish that the policyholder had taken out a policy with the insurance company.

Beneficiary Designation Form: This form identifies the chosen beneficiary of the policy. This proves the identity of the beneficiary so they can claim the death benefit in its entirety.

Claims Form: The insurance company usually has a claims form that the beneficiary has to fill out and turn in to begin the claims settlement process.

The claimant should always find out more about the claims settlement process and the terms & conditions outlined, because these variables differ by insurance company and policies. The insurance company may require extra documents depending on the circumstances of the policyholder's death, or terms & conditions of the life insurance policy.

Why is Section 45 of The Insurance Act important? 

A special section of the Insurance Act known as Section 45 protects policyholders and their families in case Claims Settlement disputes that may arise after a certain period has passed.

According to Section 45, if the insurance company suspects any foul play and has the evidence to support it, they have the authority to remove the life Insurance policy. Insurers can investigate suspicious Settlement Claims within 3 years of receiving the Claims requests. However, they do not have the right to reject claims made after 3 years, even if the claim might be a fraudulent one.

Tips for Smooth Claim Settlement

Ensuring a smooth claim settlement process in life insurance requires preparing and understanding the policy details. Here are some practical tips to follow:

1. Thorough Documentation

Keep all policy-related documents organised and accessible. This includes the policy document, premium receipts, medical records, if applicable, and any correspondence with the insurance company. Having these documents at hand can expedite the claim process and help promptly address any queries from the insurer.

2. Understand the Policy

Familiarise yourself with all aspects of your policy: know the terms, conditions, exclusions, and benefits. Understanding these details ensures that you know what the policy covers and doesn't, which can prevent disputes and delays in claim settlements.

3. Prompt Claim Reporting

Notify the insurance company as soon as possible after the occurrence of the insured event. Delays in reporting can lead to complications and even denials of claims. Most insurers provide multiple channels for reporting claims, including online, phone, and in-person options.

4. Complete and Accurate Claim Form

Fill out the claim form thoroughly and accurately. Provide complete and factual information to avoid discrepancies resulting in delays or denials of the claim. If you’re unsure how to answer a specific question, seek clarification from the insurer rather than risk incorrect information.

5. Submit the Required Documentation

Submit all required documents as specified by the insurance company. This often includes the death certificate, proof of identity, and other legal documents. Check with the insurer if additional documents are needed based on the claim's specifics.

6. Follow Up Regularly

After submitting the claim, keep in touch with the insurer to track the progress of the claim settlement. Regular follow-ups ensure that the claim is processed promptly and can help uncover any issues early in the process.

7. Seek Professional Help

If the process seems overwhelming, consider seeking help from a financial advisor or lawyer specialising in insurance claims. They can offer guidance and support through the process, ensuring your rights are protected and the claim is settled fairly.

8. Prepare for Possible Rejections

Understand the common grounds for rejecting claims, such as nondisclosure of medical conditions or filing a claim for an excluded condition. If your claim is rejected, carefully review the reasons and consult your advisor. You may be able to resolve the issue or file an appeal if the rejection was unwarranted.

9. Maintain Good Communication

Keep all communication lines open with the insurance company. Respond to their queries promptly and keep a record of all interactions. Good communication can prevent misunderstandings and ensure a smoother claim process.

10. Educate Beneficiaries

Ensure that all potential beneficiaries know the policy details and the process to claim the insurance. Educating them can prevent delays at a time when swift access to the policy benefits is most needed.

Policyholders and beneficiaries can help ensure that the claim settlement process is smooth and stress-free by following these tips.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Here’s a list of questions and their answers that are commonly associated with IRDAI Claims Settlement Ratio.


What is the role of IRDAI? 

The Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority of India (IRDAI) is the Indian insurance industry's governing authority. It sets down the rules and regulations for the Indian insurance industry. 

What is the meaning of Claim Settlement Ratio? 

A life insurance Claim Settlement Ratio is a value that shows how many claims an insurance company received in a year, and how many they settled. CSR is the percentage of claims that an insurance company settled in that year compared to the claims received.

Is a high Claim Settlement Ratio good? 

In general, a higher IRDAI Claim Settlement Ratio, signifies a lower risk and lower probability of claim rejections by the insurance company. Higher CSR means the insurance company is trustworthy and settles claims fast. 

Disclaimer: The content on this page is generic and shared only for informational and explanatory purposes. It is based on industry experience and several secondary sources on the internet, and is subject to changes.


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