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Delhi Traffic Challan: Check Status and Pay Delhi Traffic Police Challan Online

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Home / Motor Insurance / Articles / Traffic Rules / Delhi e-Challan

Dodging fines for traffic violations in Delhi is getting tougher. The transport department has stepped up electronic monitoring of rule breakers through cameras and challan machines. Fines are automatically generated if you jump signals, exceed speed limits, or violate other rules. Earlier, chasing down offenders was tedious. But with the e-challan system, penalties reach your doorstep. No more escaping by giving excuses!

As a vehicle owner in Delhi, you must check if any pending echallans are there under your registration number. With discipline and responsibility on the road, we can prevent many accident deaths in Delhi. In this article, we'll walk through the steps required to pay a traffic fine online and how to check traffic challan Delhi.

Understanding Delhi Traffic Challan
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E-Challan is an electronic ticketing system implemented by the Delhi Traffic Police as an alternative to manual challan (ticket) issuance for traffic violations in Delhi (like driving/riding a vehicle without valid car/bike insurance). It helps reduce paperwork and improve efficiency.

Data captured through the e-Challan system helps monitor enforcement activities by the agencies concerned, like traffic police, pollution control authorities, and transport departments. It makes it easier for authorities to identify those who break the rules consistently, thus helping them take appropriate measures for road safety.

Echallan Delhi provides convenience for violators as they can easily do a Delhi police challan check. They can make their payments online via internet banking or mobile wallets. It encourages more people to pay fines on time instead of waiting for a months-long court hearing after being caught with a traffic violation in Delhi.

How Does Delhi Traffic Police Challan Work?
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Delhi traffic challan check online has an automated system that helps authorities in India keep track of traffic violations. According to the norms set by the traffic police, a challan will be issued on the spot when a vehicle is found to be committing any wrongdoing.

Simply put, it is an electronic way of issuing fines. Parking tickets, speeding fines, and even licence renewals are all managed through Delhi challan online technology.

The great thing about this system is that it reduces time and paperwork for officers and civilians alike. Without having to produce and process a ticket manually, offenders can simply take a picture or scan their licence, which sends an automatic fine notice to them via SMS or email.

Delhi traffic police's online challan also facilitates payment processing since it is linked to government databases. So, Delhi challan payments can be made immediately online or at select branches across the city.

E-Challan uses GPS, GIS, and mobile technology to capture and pinpoint a variety of traffic-related offences, such as not wearing a helmet or over-speeding or jumping signals. It also provides real-time communication between officers on the field and the control room.   

How to Perform Delhi Traffic Challan Check?
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You can easily do a Delhi challan check online using the Government of India's official website, Parivahan. Here are the steps to do an online challan check Delhi:

Through ACKO Mobile App
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 Here is how you can do Delhi e challan check through the ACKO app

Through ACKO Website
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You can also do e challan check by vehicle number in Delhi through ACKO’s website, here’s how:

Benefits of Paying E Challan Delhi Online
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Here are some key advantages why you should pay Delhi traffic police challan:

  1. Time-saving: With the e-challan system, you can pay your traffic fines online from the comfort of your home or office, eliminating the need to visit physical traffic police stations or courts. This saves you a significant amount of time and effort.

  2. Convenience: The online platform allows you to pay your e-challans 24/7, making it accessible at your convenience. You no longer have to worry about adhering to strict office hours or taking time off work to settle your dues.

  3. Transparency: The e challan Delhi ensures transparency by providing detailed information about your traffic violation, including the date, time, location, and the specific traffic rule violated.

  4. Ease of payment: You can pay your e-challans online using various payment methods, such as credit cards, debit cards, net banking, or even mobile wallets. This eliminates the need to carry cash or visit a bank for payment.

  5. Reduced paperwork: The e-challan system is paperless, so you don't have to deal with physical documents or maintain lengthy records. All your challan information is stored digitally, making it easier to access and manage.

  6. Avoid compounding fines: By paying your e-challans promptly, you can avoid compounding fines or penalties that may be imposed for late payments or non-payment.

  7. Environmental-friendly: The e-challan system reduces paper use and contributes to a more sustainable and eco-friendly environment.

Traffic Violations and their Penalties in Delhi

In case you are found violating a traffic rule in Delhi, then a Delhi traffic challan will be issued in your name, and you will have to pay the following fines:


Penalty for First Offence

Penalty for Subsequent Offence

Driving Without Licence



Not using Seat-belt



Drunken Driving

₹10,000 and 6 months of prison

₹15,000 and two years of prison

Unauthorized Use Siren



Traveling on Running Board (Passengers)



Using horn in No Honking/Silence Zone



Driving without Permit



Offenses relating to Juvenile

₹25,000 with 3 years imprisonment, cancellation of vehicle registration for 1 year, suspension of license until 25 years of age.


Driving without Helmet (Rider/Pillion Rider)



Violation of Mandatory Signs



Disobeying Lawful Directions



Obstructive Driving (Extra Passenger on Driver Seat)



Blowing of Pressure Horn



Driving Without Fitness certificate



Over Speed LMV



Misbehavior with Police Officer



Use of Hand-Held Communication Devices While Driving



Allowing Unauthorised Person To Drive



Driving Without Insurance



Disobey of lawful direction in case of an accident or damaging property



Triple Riding on a two-wheeler



Not giving way to an emergency vehicle



Use of Coloured Light on Motor



Improper or Obstructive Parking



Violation of Stop Line



Excess Smoke



Tinted Glass



Driving Left Hand Drive Without Indicator



Driving without Horn



Over Speed MMV/HTV



Dangerous Goods By common carrier



How Do You Pay Delhi Traffic Challan Online?
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Do you have a Delhi traffic police echallan? Paying your challans online is now easier than ever. With just a few steps, you can easily access various digital payment platforms – from websites to apps and more – to do a challan check in Delhi and pay off your fines. Here are the various methods to check echallan Delhi online in Delhi and pay your e-Challan, along with steps to guide you through each:

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Tatpar Delhi Police App
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Union Minister Nitin Gadkari launched this mobile application along with the Parivahan Sewa website to provide easy access to transport-related services anywhere and anytime. Download the TATPAR app on the Apple Store or Google Play Store.

Steps to Pay Your Traffic e-Challan Offline in Delhi
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Once payment has been made, your e-challan will be successfully cleared from their records, and the city's law enforcement agencies will not take further action against it.

Validity of Delhi Traffic Police Challan
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The validity of an e-challan issued for traffic violations in Delhi is extremely important when it comes to paying traffic fines online. All e-challans must be paid within sixty days of issuance, or else the individual will face a penalty or additional charges. This means that if you are issued an e-challan, it's essential to take care of it immediately - otherwise, you risk facing a hefty fine!

It's also important to understand how payment timelines work - an overdue payment can incur a fee or even further penalties or charges depending on the severity of the violation. So if you receive an e-challan, make sure to pay challan online Delhi on time and avoid any extra costs.

Safety Rules You Must Follow to Avoid Challans in Delhi
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Following these basic rules goes a long way in preventing unfortunate road accidents. These small precautions protect not just your life but that of fellow drivers, riders and pedestrians.

Stay in Your Lane
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Always drive within the lane markings and avoid sudden lane changes. Stay in the leftmost lane unless overtaking. Use signals when changing lanes. This prevents accidents.

Maintain Safe Speeds
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Adhere to speed limits at all times. These are set for safety reasons. Drive between 40-60 km/hr within city limits based on roads. Higher speeds risk lives. Slow down near schools and residential areas.

Follow Traffic Signs and Signals
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Traffic signs and lights are placed strategically for flow management. Not stopping at red lights or following one way roads can lead to fatal crashes. Obey rules are used at intersections, U-turns, and no entry zones.

Avoid Distractions
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Full focus must be on the road always. Refrain from mobile use, loud music or other distractions that shift attention. A few seconds of distraction can put multiple lives in danger.

Wear Seat Belts and Helmets
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Seat belts minimise injury in case of collisions. Wearing helmets is compulsory for two wheeler riders. Both must be properly strapped to offer protection. Authorities frequently fine defaulters.

Avoid Drunk Driving
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Consuming alcohol severely impairs motor functions and reaction time. Drunk driving can attract heavy fines plus imprisonment if causing injuries or death. Be responsible and avoid driving if intoxicated.

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The e-challan system is a digital way to keep track of traffic violations. It stores all the data related to an infraction and makes it available to relevant officials for tracking purposes. Not only does it save time and resources, but it also helps simplify processes by eliminating manual paperwork. The e-challan system helps ensure law enforcement officers can efficiently enforce traffic safety laws, resulting in less congestion on roads and safer streets for citizens.

At the same time, it provides an efficient way for citizens to pay their fines digitally, thus eliminating the need for cash payments or visits to the local courthouse. Plus, its user-friendly interface allows users to quickly find out how much they owe and make payments online in a matter of minutes. This system serves as a great example of how technology can be used to enhance public safety while also helping citizens maintain compliance with laws more easily.

Latest News on Delhi E-challan
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Delhi Government is Set to Launch Payment of Challans Through Whatsapp
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In a bid to simplify the process of paying traffic fines, the Delhi Government has recently proposed an option where traffic rules violators can pay traffic fines through WhatsApp. This new initiative aims to provide greater convenience for e-challan payment in Delhi, allowing fines to be paid directly through a platform many are already familiar with. By sending an SMS with the challan details, vehicle owners can now receive a payment link on their WhatsApp, making the entire process faster and more accessible. In addition, through this new system, vehicle owners in Delhi can also expect timely reminders and notifications about any pending or new fines issued in their name. This initiative thus aims to improve efficiency in traffic violation management.

Frequently Asked Questions on eChallan Delhi
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Can I do a bike challan check online on ACKO?

Yes, you can also do a bike check online on ACKO. 

Can I do the Delhi traffic police challan check online?

Yes, you can do the Delhi traffic police challan check online.

What happens if I don't pay an over-speeding challan in Delhi?

Paying an over-speeding challan is not optional. Unpaid challans in Delhi can lead to serious repercussions that can be hard to ignore. Firstly, a constable may arrive at your registered address to collect the e-challan. If the fee remains unpaid, then you may receive a summon from court, asking for explanation of your infringement of law. Refusing to pay the fine and appear in court could trigger licence suspension as well as hefty fines and penalties. Therefore, if you ever find yourself crossing speed limits or any other traffic violations in Delhi, then do not take it lightly. Although immediate consequences might seem minor, acting negligent could result in larger penalties down the line. Pay your dues and stay accountable for maintaining safe roads.

How to complain against the wrong traffic e-challan?

If you have received a traffic e-challan in Delhi that you believe was issued in error, you can challenge it by following the process outlined in Section 208 of the Motor Vehicles Act, 1998. To do so, you can use the Digital Traffic/Transport Enforcement Solution (e-challan) launched by the Ministry of Road Transport & Highways and Government of India. First, you will need to check online services to make sure your traffic e-challan is listed. If so, you can then submit an online challenge via the Delhi Traffic Challan portal. The traffic police will investigate your complaint and issue a ruling on the matter.

Which app is used to check e-challan in Delhi?

The Delhi Police has released the Tatpar App, which is available for Android users and enables them to make an e-challan payment online in Delhi. The app is currently implemented in 104 RTOs across 5 states.

Can normal police cut challan in Delhi?

No, only traffic police officers and other designated personnel such as Hawaldars are authorised to issue challans for traffic offences in Delhi.

Can Delhi police challan for not wearing helmet?

Yes, the Delhi Traffic Police can issue an e-challan to anyone who is caught driving without wearing a helmet. According to the Motor Vehicles Act, if a rider is not wearing a helmet while driving a motorcycle or scooter, then he/she will be liable to pay a fine of Rs 1000 and could face licence disqualification or community service for three days.

What information does an e-challan contain?

An e-challan contains details like : a unique code, offender’s name, address, type of offence committed, vehicle information such as plate number, model and make of the car etc., amount due, location where the offence was committed etc. It also has a court receipt No., if applicable. An e-challan is valid until paid completely; however drivers can pay only part of the balance due if they so choose.

What documents are required while driving a car in Delhi?

In order to drive in Delhi, you must have the following documents with you at all times - a valid Driving License, a Registration Certificate (RC) for your car, a valid Car Insurance Certificate, and a Pollution Under Control Certificate.

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Disclaimer: The information mentioned on this page is sourced from government websites and different online sources. They are subject to change as per government rules and regulations.