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E Challan MP: Check Status and Pay Madhya Pradesh Challan Online

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Traffic fines in Madhya Pradesh? You know what that means. You can either go to the court, stand in line for hours, and then pray for mercy – or pay your fines online!

The good news is that you can now check your traffic e-challan, and pay a fine from the comfort of your home with no added stress. All you need is an internet connection and a few minutes to spare.

Madhya Pradesh recently launched e-challan as an easier solution to deal with fines and challans raised by traffic police personnel. In this article, we'll discuss how to check e-challans online and how to pay your traffic fine online.

What E Challan MP
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The e challan MP enables drivers in the state to pay traffic fines or check their e-challans status. It's a very easy process that requires only a few minutes of your time. All you have to do is log into your account and check the status of any outstanding tickets. You'll also be able to generate invoices for payments, and you will be notified when any fines are due.

It's not just more convenient; it's safer, too – the e-challan portal makes it easier to identify breaches of traffic regulations while still keeping you compliant with the law. So if you're looking to pay traffic fines in Madhya Pradesh, there's no better solution than e-challan!

How does MP E Challan Work?
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The system of e-challan works by monitoring the CCTVs installed all across the country. The CCTV footage captures the defaulter, and the police can extract their vehicle number from the footage. With this information, they can then derive the contact information of the motorist from their records. The e challan MP is a form of ticketing, which is used to penalise those who break traffic rules. It is an automated system that ensures motorists adhere to traffic regulations and discourages violations.

Checking the Status of e-challan online in Madhya Pradesh
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Here are some ways in which you can do e challan check by vehicle number:

Online Methods
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Do you want to check the status of your e-challan online in Madhya Pradesh? You can do it conveniently official Parivahan website:

Through ACKO Mobile App
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 Here is how you can do MP e challan check through the ACKO app

Through ACKO Website
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You can also check the MP e challan status through ACKO’s website, here’s how:

How to Pay Traffic Fines Online in Madhya Pradesh?
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Getting an echallan MP due to a traffic offence is the usual story. Payment for this challan is now easier than ever; with the advancement in technologies and due to the new digitalization of resources, there are multiple ways you can pay your challan amount online — via a website or app. You can pay your e-challan amount in Madhya Pradesh with just a few simple steps. Here are the steps to follow to do MP e challan payment:

Parivahan Sewa Website
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Madhya Pradesh Government’s Official Website
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Follow these steps to pay your e-challan online in Madhya Pradesh by using the official website.

List of Traffic Rules You Need to Follow in Madhya Pradesh
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In order to avoid the issuance of e challan MP, here is a list of traffic rules that you need to follow:

Traffic Fines You Need to Pay in Madhya Pradesh
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If e challan MP has been issued on your name, here is the traffic fines you need to pay in Madhya Pradesh:



Driving without license

Rs. 500

Driving under the influence of alcohol

Rs. 2000


Rs. 500

Overloading a vehicle

Rs. 2000

Jumping red light

Rs. 1000

Driving non-insured vehicle

Rs. 1000

Underage driving

Rs. 500

Validity of MP E Challan
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Anyone wishing to pay their traffic fines online in Madhya Pradesh needs to be aware of the validity of their e-challan. Once MP e challan is issued for a traffic violation, it must be paid within 60 days, or it could face a penalty or other charges. Failure to do so within the allotted time frame could result in hefty fines, so if you receive an e-challan for any traffic violation, make sure to pay it quickly and responsibly.

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If you've been issued a traffic ticket in Madhya Pradesh and want to pay your e-challan online, the process is easy. With just a few steps, you can take care of your traffic ticket quickly and securely. Not only does this save time, but it eliminates the risk of any errors or delays. Paying your fines online is a great way to ensure that things run smoothly and hassle-free.

Frequently Asked Question
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Here are some answers to the most asked questions related to e-challan in Madhya Pradesh


Can I do MP e challan check on ACKO website?

Yes, you can do MP challan check on ACKO website.

What happens if I don't pay an over-speeding challan in Madhya Pradesh?

If you're caught over-speeding in Madhya Pradesh and don't pay your challan, then there are serious consequences that you could face. It is the responsibility of police constables to collect the unpaid amount at your registered address. If they fail to do so, a summon will be sent out to have you appear in front of a court of law to explain the situation.

How to complain against the wrong traffic e-challan?

Do you think you've been wrongly charged with an e-challan in Madhya Pradesh? Don't worry, filing a complaint against it is conveniently easy. All you need to do is follow these five simple steps outlined below.

Step 1: To get started, go to the official e-challan complaints portal:

Step 2: Move on to the "Grievance System" page located at

Step 3: Log into your account, by entering your name and contact number,  and the e-challan number sent to your registered mobile number.

Step 4: Additionally, upload any related proof using the given upload feature as well as Captcha code when prompted.

Step 5: After that click on "Submit". You're now good to go! The traffic police department will evaluate your provided details and give you an update accordingly via their "Grievance System".

Can normal police cut challan in Madhya Pradesh?

In Madhya Pradesh, only Traffic Police officers are able to issue traffic challans and not normal police personnel. This means that if someone has broken the law, it is up to the Traffic Police officers (or higher-ranking personnel) to issue a challan and they are the only ones who can do so. Therefore, normal police personnel cannot issue a challan in Madhya Pradesh.

Can Madhya Pradesh police issue challan for not wearing helmet?

The Madhya Pradesh police take the safety of everyone very seriously and one way they do this is by issuing challans for those who are caught not wearing a helmet. Yes, it's true: The MP police can and do issue challans for individuals who are not following the rule that helmets must be worn when riding or driving vehicles.

The penalty for breaking this rule is quite severe: You'll be charged Rs. 1000 and your licence will be suspended for three months - no questions asked. So if you're planning on riding or driving a vehicle in Madhya Pradesh, make sure that you protect yourself and wear your helmet!

What information does an e-challan contain?

An e-challan contains important details about a traffic violation, such as its type, the time and place it occurred and the vehicle number. It can also include a photograph of the vehicle and its driver or other related information, including their name and address.

The e-challan might also have instructions on how to pay the fines online or through any designated bank if required. Furthermore, it could contain extra charges due to multiple violations that drivers have committed over time.

Overall, an e-challan is an invaluable tool for registering traffic violations as well as enforcing payments of fines incurred due to these violations.

What documents are required while driving a car in Madhya Pradesh?

Registration Certificate of the Car

Valid Car Insurance Certificate

Driving Licence of the Driver

Pollution Under Control (PUC) Certificate of your car

Aadhar Card


International Driving License (for international trips)

Voter ID Card

Vehicle's Fitness Certificate