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Travel Safety Tips for Students Living Abroad

TeamAckoMar 21, 2024

Heading off to study abroad? It’s a thrilling adventure, packed with new faces and places. 

But let's face it, it can get a bit overwhelming too, especially when you’re trying to dodge the curveballs of living in a new country.

In this blog, we're dishing out some travel safety tips to help you navigate your adventure smoothly.

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Pre-Departure Preparations

Problem: Meet Urza, a student from Bangalore who's super excited about her upcoming semester in Chicago, USA. In her rush of excitement, Urza overlooked some key pre-departure steps, like not checking her visa documents thoroughly and forgetting to notify her bank about her travel plans. 

Now, just days before her flight, she's scrambling to fix her visa issues, and her card got frozen due to sudden international activity. It's a bit of a last-minute scramble that's added stress to her big adventure.

Solution: On the flip side, take Anish, heading to the same university in Chicago from Delhi. He double-checked every detail before leaving – from visa paperwork, booking student housing in Chicago and setting up a travel notification with his bank.

As a result, Anish journey was a breeze. He landed in Boston with all his documents in perfect order and had immediate access to his funds, making his transition into his new life worry-free.

What Should You Do?

  • Triple-Check Your Documents: Before your departure, go through your visa, passport, and any other travel documents multiple times. Ensure they are up to date and valid for the duration of your stay.

  • Notify Your Bank and Get Your Finances in Order: Inform your bank about your travel dates and destination. As soon as you settle down, open a student bank account in your destination country.

Travel Insurance: A Safety Net for Unforeseen Events

Problem: Ajit, an arts student from Pune, who's going to study in London. He thought travel insurance was an unnecessary expense and decided to skip it. 

Unfortunately, Ajit fell ill shortly after arriving, facing steep medical bills and the stress of navigating a healthcare system far from home, all without the safety net of insurance. Not having travel insurance quickly turned from a minor oversight into a major headache.

Solution: Anmol is also heading to London, but from Indore. She understood the value of travel insurance and opted for a comprehensive plan. 

When she unexpectedly needed medical care after a minor biking accident in her first week, her insurance covered the costs, and she received prompt healthcare without any financial burden.

What Should You Do?

  • Research and Invest in Comprehensive Travel Insurance: Look for a policy that covers medical emergencies, trip cancellations, and lost baggage, ensure it fits your specific needs.

  • Understand Your Policy: Take the time to read and understand what your travel insurance covers and how to start the claim process.

Accommodation Safety

Problem: Sarthak, is a student from New Delhi going to study in New York. In his haste, Sarthak chose the first affordable apartment he found online without researching its safety and location. 

Unfortunately, he ended up in a poorly-maintained building in a less secure neighborhood. He felt uneasy walking home late from classes and wished he had been more careful in his selection process.

Solution: Mohini from Haryana, is also gearing up for her studies in New York. She took a different approach, using amberstudent, a student housing booking platform, to find her student housing in New York City.  

She read reviews, checked the safety ratings of the neighborhood, and even discussed her agreement with the agent before making her decision. Her well-researched choice led her to a safe, and welcoming, living space where she could focus on her studies without any worries.

What Should You Do?

  • Use Reliable Housing Platforms: Use platforms like amberstudent that specialize in student accommodation. They provide verified listings with reviews and safety ratings.

  • Visit or Virtual Tour: If possible, visit the accommodation in person or request a virtual tour. Getting a real feel for the place and its surroundings can make a big difference in your decision-making.

Understanding Local Laws and Customs

Problem: Tushar, a student from Jaipur, excited for his semester in Sydney, Australia. Tushar didn’t research local laws and customs beforehand. 

He found himself in a tricky situation for unknowingly breaking a local law – he was fined for jaywalking, something that was common and not regulated in his hometown. This experience left him feeling embarrassed and a bit anxious about unknowingly breaking other rules.

Solution: Nikita, who’s also headed to Sydney from Mumbai. Before her trip, she took the time to research Australian laws and customs. 

This preparation paid off when she confidently navigated through various situations, from understanding local transportation rules to social norms. 

What Should You Do?

  • Do Your Research: Spend time on travel guides, and student forums into the local laws, traffic rules, and social customs of your destination country. 

  • Ask Questions: If you’re unsure about something, don't hesitate to ask. Your university’s international office, local friends, or even your host family can be valuable sources of information.


We hope this article helps to identify and understand travel safety tips for students living abroad. It's all about striking that sweet balance between being prepared and staying flexible. 

Embrace the new experiences, and don’t forget to call your parents back home every now and then! 


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